Who kissed Tess before she died? (2024)

Who kissed Tess before she died?

Who kissed Tess before she died? But before she can spring her trap, she's approached by a still-human-looking zombie, who kisses her — with jellyfish-like tendrils reaching out of his mouth and squirming into hers.

(Video) Tess Infected Death Scene - The Last of Us - Tendrils Kiss - MTV Nominated?
Why did the clicker kiss Tess?

Tess loved Joel. Once infected, she was part of their hivemind. The kiss is metaphorical for the goodbye kiss she never received from Joel. It's actually because of this little known fact: at the back of your mouth/throat theres a direct line to your brain and the mycelium only has to pass through flesh.

(Video) Kiss of Death Tess's demise - The Last of Us Season 1 Episode 2 HBO
How did Ellie know Tess was infected?

As Tess questioned Joel about what he really knew about the Fireflies and about her, Ellie realized that Tess was infected, bitten on her shoulder by the runner that she was fighting off in the museum.

(Video) THE LAST OF US Part 1 -Tess Death Scene
(Generic Gaming)
Does Tess get bit in the museum?

The group is attacked by Clickers as they make their way through the museum and while they're separated, Tess gets bit.

(Video) That Zombie Kiss in The Last of Us Episode 2 Explained | How Tess’ Story is Altered
(QuirkyByte's Superhero World )
Who kisses Tess?

But before she can spring her trap, she's approached by a still-human-looking zombie, who kisses her — with jellyfish-like tendrils reaching out of his mouth and squirming into hers.

(Video) The Last of Us TV Tess Death Scene HBO | Episode 2
Who was the zombie that kissed Tess?

Viewers were shocked by Tess' last moments in HBO's The Last of Us, when she allowed a "clicker" zombie to kiss her on the lips and directly infect her with the cordyceps fungus rather than fighting back.

(Video) Why This CHILLING Kiss In THE LAST OF US Is SO Important
Who is Tess in love with?

While the quiet love story between Joel and Tess is important on its own, it also sets up a parallel with the parental relationship between Joel and Ellie.

(Video) Kiss the Infected - The Last of Us SE1 EP2 Ending Scene
Why did the zombie kiss Tess in Episode 2?

Rather than fight him off, which she's proven to be an expert at, Tess just stood there and let him approach her for an open-mouthed kiss, which would allow the squirmy cordyceps fungi to enter her mouth.

(Video) Tess Kissing A Zombie 😬 || Tess's Death 😢 || HD || Whatsapp Status || Cargo Status || #shorts #yt
(Cargo Status)
Was Ellie infected as a baby?

In the struggle to kill this Infected, Ellie was born. However, Anna was bitten. Anna quickly cut Ellie's umbilical cord, but not before the Infected reached Ellie. Since the cordyceps has grown in Ellie since birth, the cordyceps believe that Ellie herself is cordyceps, resulting in immunity.

(Video) The Last Of Us Episode 2 Zombie Kiss Explained
(Movies Vibes)
Were Joel and Tess dating?

More than being smuggling partners, they were also romantic partners. In Episode 1's “When You're Lost in the Darkness,” the audience is given brief moments of intimacy between Tess and Joel. When Tess returns to the apartment they share, she is Joel's big spoon as they fall asleep.

(Video) Infected kisses Tess - Episode 2 (HBO)
(Movies and Series)

Was Ellie infected from birth?

The infection caused Ellie as a fetus to be exposed to the cordyceps and this is the cause of her immunity.

(Video) Infected KISS Tess - The Worst Scene in the Last of Us HBO Series
(The Tarnished Gamer)
Why was Tess killed?

In the game, Tess refuses to “turn,” instead sacrificing herself to the incoming FEDRA soldiers so Joel and Ellie can make their escape without detection. But in the HBO adaptation, Tess—in a pitch-perfect portrayal by Anna Torv—dies while fighting off infected, not humans.

Who kissed Tess before she died? (2024)
Why did they change Tess's death?

In HBO's official The Last of Us podcast, series co-creator Craig Mazin said he and the writers changed Tess' death in the show because they figured it wouldn't make sense for FEDRA to be at the capitol building while Joel, Ellie, and Tess are there.

Was Tess bit in Episode 2?

In both versions, Tess gets bitten during the same zombie encounter, and she even dies in the same Boston building after forcing Joel to agree to take Ellie with him on a journey west.

What infected kissed Tess?

These tendrils seem to be how the infected transmit Cordyceps from themselves to their hosts through bites. The reason the zombie seems to kiss Tess likely comes from the infection already present in Tess' body.

What does an open mouth kiss mean?

Kissing with an open mouth can indicate a desire for deeper intimacy and passion. It may also suggest a sense of comfort and trust between the individuals involved.

How old was Tess when she died?

Annie Wersching, the actress who originated the role of Tess in the video game The Last of Us , has died at the age of 45 after being diagnosed with cancer two years ago.

Why does the zombie kiss Tess The Last of Us?

Rather than fight him off, which she's proven to be an expert at, Tess just stood there and let him approach her for an open-mouthed kiss, which would allow the squirmy cordyceps fungi to enter her mouth.

Was Tess infected before she died?

In the video game, Tess tells Joel and Ellie that she's infected and shows them her bite as she did in the second episode of the TV series. However, she dies at the hands of the Federal Disaster Response Agency (FEDRA) instead of facing the infected and blowing up the building she was in.

Why did they change Tess death scene?

Speaking about the reasoning behind changing Tess' death for the HBO series, co-creator Craig Mazin revealed it's because they thought it wouldn't have made sense for FEDRA to be at the capitol building. "Why would FEDRA even be here? What are they doing? There's nothing there for them to police, really.

Who does Ellie kiss in The Last of Us DLC?

And just like in that beloved DLC, in last night's episode, we see Ellie and Riley hanging out in a mall, playing an arcade game, dressing up in Halloween masks, and eventually, kissing.

Do the zombies cry in The Last of Us?

Those at this stage of infection also may prop themselves up near a wall and allow the fungus to grow into it. They can then pop out of the fungus when someone traipses by. When in the Stalkers stage, The Last of Us' zombies also tend to moan and cry in pain as the fungus takes over their muscles.

Can Ellie infect others?

She has stated she cant infect people. For the same exact reason why if you are immune to a virus you can't infect other people with said virus. It's a fungal infection not a virus.

Can you save Tess The Last of Us?

There is no way for Tess to overcome the infection, so instead, she just refuses to let it consume her. As the zombie hoard is attracted to their location, Tess forces Joel and Ellie to flee as she covers the floor in gasoline.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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