Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (2024)

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (1)

Rogue is a hero focused on stealth and planning your attacks using the environment. He is unlocked by executing 20 surprise attacks in a single run. He starts with the Cloak of Shadows, which lets him turn invisible at will and run away or perform a powerful surprise attack. After beating the second boss, he can become the Assassin who can perform a deadly special attack after spending enough time invisible or the Freerunner.

Rogue automatically identifies the potion of invisibility and the scroll of magic mapping.


  • 1 Characteristics
    • 1.1 Generic talents
      • 1.1.1 Tier 1
      • 1.1.2 Tier 2
      • 1.1.3 Tier 3
      • 1.1.4 Tier 4
  • 2 Subclasses
    • 2.1 Assassin
      • 2.1.1 Subclass talents
    • 2.2 Freerunner
      • 2.2.1 Subclass Talents
  • 3 Class armor abilities
    • 3.1 Smoke Bomb
      • 3.1.1 Ability talents
    • 3.2 Shadow Clone
      • 3.2.1 Ability talents
    • 3.3 Death Mark
      • 3.3.1 Ability talents


Rogue starts the game with a Cloak of Shadows as his unique item.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (2)

Cloak of Shadows
A priceless magical cloak, stolen from the royal armory many years ago by the Rogue. When worn, it can be used to turn completely invisible for a short time.
The more the cloak is used, the stronger it will become, allowing the Rogue to become invisible more frequently and for longer durations.

Using it turns the Rogue invisible spending 1 charge every 4 turns. The cloak starts with 3 charges, but using it and leveling up raising the charge capacity (up to 10) and recharging speed.

Rogue starts equipped with a Dagger, which is slightly weaker than Warrior's Worn Shortsword, but deals extra damage to unaware enemies, working together nicely with the cloak. His missile weapon, Throwing Knives, is stronger against unaware enemies too. In addition to his starting items the Rogue also has a passive perk which increases his search radius letting him search 5x5 tiles instead of usual 3x3.

Generic talents[]

Tier 1[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (3)

Cached Rations
+1: The Rogue can find 4 small rations placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.+2: The Rogue can find 6 small rations placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon..

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (4)

Thief's Intuition
+1: The Rogue identifies rings 2x faster, and identifies the type of a ring when he equips it.+2: The Rogue identifies rings when he equips them, and identifies the type of a ring when he picks it up.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (5)

Sucker Punch
+1: The Rogue deals 1-2 bonus damage the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.+2: The Rogue deals 2 bonus damage the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (6)

Protective Shadows
+1: The Rogue gains one shielding every other turn his cloak is activated, to a max of 3.+1: The Rogue gains one shielding every turn his cloak is activated, to a max of 5.

Tier 2[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (7)

Mystical Meal
+1: Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him 3 turns of artifact recharging.+2: Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him 5 turns of artifact recharging.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (8)

Inscribed Stealth
+1: The Rogue gains 3 turns of invisibility after reading a scroll.+2: The Rogue gains 5 turns of invisibility after reading a scroll.
The invisibility duration is doubled when reading a scroll of upgrade, transmutation, enchantment, or metamorphosis.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (9)

Wide Search
+1: The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a 7x7 circle.+2: The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a 7x7 square.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (10)

Silent Steps
+1: The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is 3 or more tiles away from them.+2: The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is not adjacent to them.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (11)

Rogue's Foresight
+1: When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a 50% chance to notice that the level contains a secret.+2: When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a 75% chance to notice that the level contains a secret.

Tier 3[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (12)

Light Cloak
+1: The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at 25% speed.
+2: The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at 50% speed.
+3: The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at 75% speed.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (13)

Enhanced Rings
+1: When the Rogue consumes uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for 5 turns.
+2: When the Rogue consumes uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for 10 turns.
+3: When the Rogue consumes uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for 15 turns.

Tier 4[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (14)

Heroic Energy
+1: The hero's armor ability has a 13% reduced charge cost.+2 The hero's armor ability has a 24% reduced charge cost.+3: The hero's armor ability has a 34% reduced charge cost.+4: The hero's armor ability has a 43% reduced charge cost.



Assassin builds up preparation while invisible or cloaked, which allows him to execute a special attack.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (15)

The Assassin is waiting patiently, preparing to strike from the shadows.His next attack will deal x% bonus damage, and will execute regular enemies below y% health, or bosses below y/5% health.He is able to blink towards an enemy before striking them, with a max distance of d.
The Assassin has been invisible for a turns.His attack will become stronger at b turns.

This special attack gains bonus damage, increasing based on how long the Assassin was invisible for. With enough preparation, multiple damage rolls are made, with the highest one being used. In addition, given enough time to prepare, assassin can target a distant enemy and blink to it before attacking. This always theleports him right next to the enemy even if his weapon has extra reach. Preparation reaches maximum power after 9 turns requiring 3 cloak charges to be spent.

Effectiveness of special attack based on turns spend preparing
Turns spentDamage BonusKO ThresholdRollsBlink Distance

Blink distance and KO threshold can be improved with talents (ssee below)

If the attack reduced enemy HP below the KO threshold, the enemy instantly dies. Bosses and minibosses can be executed too, but the KO threshold is 80% lower.

Subclass talents[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (16)

Enhanced Lethality
+1: The Assassin can assassinate enemies below 4/13/27/67% health per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
+2: The Assassin can assassinate enemies below 5/17/33/83% health per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
+3: The Assassin can assassinate enemies below 6/20/40/100% health per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (17)

Assassin's Reach
+1: The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to 1/3/4/6 tiles, from 1/2/3/4.
+2: The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to 2/4/6/8 tiles, from 1/2/3/4.
+3: The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to 2/5/7/10 tiles, from 1/2/3/4.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (18)

Bounty Hunter
+1: When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they have a 25/50/75/100% chance to drop 15 extra gold.
+2: When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they have a 25/50/75/100% chance to drop 30 extra gold.
+3: When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they have a 25/50/75/100% chance to drop 45 extra gold.


The Freerunner no longer gets instantaneous speed and evasion boosts while moving, instead gaining Momentum while moving (+1 per turn), and losing it rapidly (-1 per turn) when not moving.

With Momentum, Freerunner can start Freerunning. When freerunning the Freerunner moves at 2x speed, and gains bonus evasion in proportion to his level.

After freerunning ends, Freerunner gains Recover effect, which prevents him from getting Momentum. This effect's duration will always be the same regardless of how long Freerunner was in Freerunning.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (19)

As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, increasing his speed and ability to dodge.The speed bonus is based purely on momentum, however the bonus to dodge is also affected by armor.The freerunner will gain additional dodge from momentum for each excess point of strength he has over the requirements of his armor.

Freerunning duration depends on how much momentum Freerunner has at the moment. After freerunning, there will be always the same cooldown, so makes sure you always have 10 momentums before freerunning.

Due to the way the evasion bonus is implemented, not equipping any armor will result in no evasion bonus at all. It is therefore not a viable strategy. The best evasion bonus that can be obtained is using a highly upgraded cloth armor.

Subclass Talents[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (20)

Evasive Armor
+1: While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional +1 evasion per excess point of strength on his armor.
+2: While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional +2 evasion per excess point of strength on his armor.
+3: While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional +3 evasion per excess point of strength on his armor.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (21)

Projectile Momentum
+1: While freerunning, the Freerunner gains +20% accuracy and +15% damage with thrown weapons.
+2: While freerunning, the Freerunner gains +40% accuracy and +30% damage with thrown weapons.
+3: While freerunning, the Freerunner gains +60% accuracy and +45% damage with thrown weapons.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (22)

Speedy Stealth
+1: The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.
+2: In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.
+3: In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.

Class armor abilities[]

Smoke Bomb[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (23)

Smoke Bomb
The Rogue throws down a smoke bomb and blinks up to 8 tiles away. He can blink through hazards and enemies, but not through solid terrain like walls.
Enemies are adjacent to the Rogue's old position will be blinded for 5 turns.
Charge cost: 35

Ability talents[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (24)

Hasty Retreat
+1: After blinking the Rogue gains 1 turns of haste and invisibility.
+2: After blinking the Rogue gains 2 turns of haste and invisibility.
+3: After blinking the Rogue gains 3 turns of haste and invisibility.
+4: After blinking the Rogue gains 4 turns of haste and invisibility.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (25)

Body Replacement
+1: After blinking, the Rogue leaves a wooden decoy behind that has 20 health and 1-3 armor.
+2: After blinking, the Rogue leaves a wooden decoy behind that has 40 health and 2-6 armor.
+3:After blinking, the Rogue leaves a wooden decoy behind that has 60 health and 3-9 armor.
+4:After blinking, the Rogue leaves a wooden decoy behind that has 80 health and 4-12 armor.
Only one decoy can be active at a time

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (26)

Shadow Step
+1: If the rogue uses smoke bomb while invisible, it occurs instantly and has a 20% reduced charge cost, but it also doesn't blind enemies or trigger other talents.
+2: If the rogue uses smoke bomb while invisible, it occurs instantly and has a 36% reduced charge cost, but it also doesn't blind enemies or trigger other talents.
+3: If the rogue uses smoke bomb while invisible, it occurs instantly and has a 50% reduced charge cost, but it also doesn't blind enemies or trigger other talents.
+4: If the rogue uses smoke bomb while invisible, it occurs instantly and has a 60% reduced charge cost, but it also doesn't blind enemies or trigger other talents.
Only one decoy can be active at a time

Shadow Clone[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (27)

Shadow Clone
The Rogue summons a shadowy mimic of himself, which can be directed to aid him in combat. Directing the shadow clone does not cost any charge.
The clone has 100 HP, no armor, and deals 10-20 damage. All of these traits can be improved with talents, such that the clone benefits from weapons and armor the hero has.
Charge cost: 50

Ability talents[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (28)

Shadow Blade
+1: The shadow clone gains 8%: of the hero's damage per turn, and has a 25% chance to use the enchantment on the hero's weapon.
+2: The shadow clone gains 15%: of the hero's damage per turn, and has a 50% chance to use the enchantment on the hero's weapon.
+3: The shadow clone gains 23%: of the hero's damage per turn, and has a 75% chance to use the enchantment on the hero's weapon.
+4: The shadow clone gains 30%: of the hero's damage per turn, and has a 100% chance to use the enchantment on the hero's weapon.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (29)

Cloned Armor
+1: The shadow clone gains 15% of the hero's armor value, and has a 25% chance to use the glypgh on the hero's armor.
+2: The shadow clone gains 30% of the hero's armor value, and has a 50% chance to use the glypgh on the hero's armor.
+3: The shadow clone gains 45% of the hero's armor value, and has a 75% chance to use the glypgh on the hero's armor.
+4: The shadow clone gains 60% of the hero's armor value, and has a 100% chance to use the glypgh on the hero's armor.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (30)

Perfect Copy
+1: The shadow clone gains 10% of the hero's max HP, and can instantly swap places with the hero up to 1 tile away.
+2: The shadow clone gains 20% of the hero's max HP, and can instantly swap places with the hero up to 2 tile away.
+3: The shadow clone gains 30% of the hero's max HP, and can instantly swap places with the hero up to 3 tile away.
+4: The shadow clone gains 40% of the hero's max HP, and can instantly swap places with the hero up to 4 tile away.

Death Mark[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (31)

Death Mark
The Rogue places a mark on a chosen enemy, causing them to take 25% extra damage. The mark is applied instantly and lasts for 5 turns.
Marked enemies take bonus damage but are unable to die until the mark expires. If an enemy has 0 HP when the mark ends, they will immediately die.
Charge cost: 25

Ability talents[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (32)

Fear the Reaper
+1: When a death marked enemy reaches 0 hp, they become crippled.
+2: When a death marked enemy reaches 0 hp, they become feared and crippled.
+3: When a death marked enemy reaches 0 hp, they become feared and crippled. and enemies within 3 tiles become crippled
+4: When a death marked enemy reaches 0 hp, they become feared and crippled. and enemies within 3 tiles become feared and crippled.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (33)

Deathly Durability
+1: Enemies killed by death mark give the rogue shielding equal to 13% of they hp when they were marked.
+2: Enemies killed by death mark give the rogue shielding equal to 25% of they hp when they were marked.
+3: Enemies killed by death mark give the rogue shielding equal to 38% of they hp when they were marked.
+4: Enemies killed by death mark give the rogue shielding equal to 50% of they hp when they were marked.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (34)

Double Mark
+1: Marking a second target at the same time as the first one has a 30% reduced charge cost.
+2: Marking a second target at the same time as the first one has a 50% reduced charge cost.
+3: Marking a second target at the same time as the first one has a 65% reduced charge cost.
+4: Marking a second target at the same time as the first one has a 75% reduced charge cost.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rogue (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.