Mega Rule DHS PowerPoint - LeadingAge Wisconsin · 2016-11-28 · LeadingAge Wisconsin 204 South Hamilton Street Madison WI 53703 Tel: 608-255-7060 Fax: 608-255-7064 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Mega Rule DHS PowerPoint - LeadingAge Wisconsin· 2016-11-28· LeadingAge Wisconsin 204 South Hamilton Street Madison WI 53703 Tel: 608-255-7060 Fax: 608-255-7064 - [PDF Document] (1)

LeadingAge Wisconsin204 South Hamilton StreetMadison WI 53703Tel: 608-255-7060 Fax: [emailprotected]

hosted by

Friday, December 2, 2016Sleep Inn & Suites Conference Center5872 33rd AvenueEau Claire, WI 54703715-874-2900

Tuesday, December 6, 2016Country Springs Hotel2810 Golf RoadPewaukee, WI 53187262-547-0201

Wednesday, December 7, 2016Liberty Hall Banquet& Conference Center800 Eisenhower DriveKimberly, WI 54136920-731-0164



presented by

The Final Rule:Requirements for Participation,

DQA Guidance, and Key Changes from an Operator's Perspective

Handouts also are available online

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Pat VirnigBureau of Nursing Home Resident Care

DirectorBureau of Nursing Home Resident Care

THANK YOU!!! we have got a lot to doTHANKYOU!!!– wehavegotalottodo


• New regulations• New survey process• I hope to prove today that DQA is NOT a

barrier – We are all in this together!


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Trauma Informed Care & ACEsTrauma‐InformedCare&ACEs

• Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) •


SEDWisconsinACEs.August2012.pdfSEDWisconsinACEs.August2012.pdf• WI DHS Trauma-Informed Care Brochure


• What did you know?• When did you know it?• What did you do about it?

Getting to Past Non-compliance


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Clinical Standards Of PracticeClinicalStandardsOfPractice

• Use the Clinical Resource Center the facility must have a nationally recognized, evidenced based standard of practiceevidenced based standard of practice


A just culture balances the need for an open and honest reporting environment with the end of a quality learning environment and culture. While the organization has a duty and responsibility to employees (and ultimately to residents), all employees are held responsible for the quality of their choices. Just culture requires a change in f f d t t t d i d focus from errors and outcomes to system design and management of the behavioral choices of all employees. ••


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• Or… let them eat Oreos and take their own bath… or perhaps… SMOKE…

• Nursing Process

Set the Survey Up RightSettheSurveyUpRight

• Shared Expectations Document• Questionnaires• Imagine this… a typical day at the NH… in

walks 5 folks with briefcases and cards!walks 5 folks with briefcases and cards!• How are we not Monday morning



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MDS Focused SurveysMDSFocusedSurveys

• MDS/Staffing level focused surveys• 10 facilities selected• CMS/OIG attempt to determine if MDS filled

out correctlyout correctly• CMS S&C memo 15-06

The 3 T’sThe3T’s

• These are the rules

• This is how we survey to ensure the rules are met

• This is what happens when the rules are not met


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• No comprehensive update since 1991 – despite substantial changes to service delivery

• The Reform of Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities “Proposed Rule” was published in the p pFederal Register on July 16, 2015

• CMS received nearly 10,000 comments


• Reform of Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities final rule or “Mega Rule”

• Published in Federal Register on October 4, 2016

• Revises regulations on a comprehensive basis


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Updated GuidanceUpdatedGuidance

• Phase-in approach over 3 years to allow for changes in survey processes and to update survey guidance

• CMS will provide updated guidance to facilities, update the survey process, update , p y p , psurvey tags in accordance with the reorganization of the regulation, and provide training to surveyors on new tags

Implementation TimelineImplementationTimeline

• The Final Rule is effective November 28, 2016• Implementation is divided into 3 phases based

on complexityo Phase 1: implementation deadline is Nov. 28, 2016

Ph 2 i l t ti d dli i N 28 2017o Phase 2: implementation deadline is Nov. 28, 2017o Phase 3: implementation deadline is Nov. 28, 2019


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We are all in this together.g



• Comprehensive Person-Centered Care Planning• Arbitration Agreements• Training Requirements• Infection Control• Infection Control• Compliance and Ethics Program• Quality Assurance and Performance



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Comprehensive Person‐Centered Care PlanningComprehensivePerson‐CenteredCarePlanning

• Requires facilities to develop and implement a baseline care plan for each resident within 48 hours of admission

• Adds a nurse aide and a member of the food and nutrition services staff to the required members of nutrition services staff to the required members of the interdisciplinary team (IDT) responsible for developing the comprehensive care plan

• Requires facilities to develop and implement a discharge planning process

Arbitration AgreementsArbitrationAgreements

• Final Rule prohibits the use of pre-dispute binding arbitration agreements

• LTC facilities cannot enter into agreements for binding arbitration with a resident or their representative until after a dispute arises between the parties

• The Final Rule will not affect existing pre-dispute arbitration agreements; such existing agreements can still be enforced


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Training RequirementsTrainingRequirements

• Sets forth requirements of an effective training program that facilities must develop, implement, and maintain for all new and existing staff, individuals providing services under a contractual arrangement, and volunteers.

• Required staff training:R id t ’ i ht d f ilit ibilitio Residents’ rights and facility responsibilities

o Activities that constitute abuse and neglecto Infection controlo Compliance and ethicso QAPI training that outlines the elements and goals of the

QAPI program

Infection ControlInfectionControl

• The Final Rule requires facilities to develop an Infection Prevention and Control Program (IPCP)

• The program must include at a minimum:o A system for preventing, identifying, reporting,

investigating and controlling infections and investigating, and controlling infections and communicable diseases for all residents, staff, volunteers, visitors, and other individuals providing services under a contractual arrangement


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Infection Control, cont.InfectionControl,cont.• Include an Antibiotic Stewardship Program

• Antibiotic Stewardship Program must include antibiotic use protocols and system to monitor antibiotic use

• Designate at least one Infection Preventionist (IP)o IP is responsible for the IPCPo IP is responsible for the IPCPo IP’s primary professional training must be in nursing,

medical technology, microbiology, epidemiology, or other related field. Can be qualified by education, training, experience or certification.

o IP must work at the facility at least part-time

Compliance and Ethics ProgramComplianceandEthicsProgram

• Requires the operating organization of each facility to have in effect a compliance and ethics program

• Program must establish written compliance and ethics standards

• Must establish policies and procedures that are capable of reducing the prospect of criminal, civil,

d d i i t ti i l ti and administrative violations • Facility must take steps to effectively communicate

the standards, policies, and procedures to entire staff, contractors, and volunteers


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QualityAssuranceandPerformanceImprovementQ y p

• Requires all LTC facilities to develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive, data-driven QAPI program

• Program designed to monitor and evaluate performance of all services and programs of the facility

• Facility’s governing body is responsible and accountable for the QAPI program

• Facility must submit QAPI plan to State Agency or federal surveyor at recertification survey 1 year after effective date

Pharmacy ServicesPharmacyServices

• Drug Regimen Reviewo A pharmacist must complete a monthly drug

regimen review and medical record reviewo Defined irregularities

• Unnecessary drugsUnnecessary drugso Reporting irregularitieso Responding to irregularitieso Development of policies and procedures


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Pharmacy Services, cont.PharmacyServices,cont.

• Use of psychotropic medications o Antipsychoticso Antidepressantso Antianxieties

H tio Hypnotics• PRN orders limited to 14 days• Non-renewal without assessment


DHS Program Name Here 26


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We are all in this together.g



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SOM Changes from an Operators Perspective -

Requirements for Participation


TheNEWMegaRule – RequirementsforParticipationforSkilledNursingFacilities


• Understand the new and revised final rule for Skilled Nursing Facility Requirements for

©PathwayHealth2013 2

g y qParticipation

• Be able to conduct a facility self assessment to determine your organizational needs for compliance

• Learn leadership strategies for implementing the new and revised regulations


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Health and safety standards LTC must meet in order to participate in MC & MA

History & Background

p p• Requirements found at 42CFR Subpart B• No comprehensive update since 1991• Revisions reflect changes in theory and practice• Implements sections of ACA• Proposed rule was published in federal register


7/16/15• Rule: www.


1 Person Centered Care

Themes of the Rule

1. Person Centered Care2. Quality3. Facility Assessment 4. Alignment with HHS Priorities5. Comprehensive Review & Modernization


6. Implementation of Legislation



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• Consumers are informed, involved, and in control• Quality is overarching principle in all we do for

our residents

Summary of Provisions

• Choices are more defined• Care and DC Planning• Additional special care issues addressed• Competency based approach• Updates in standards of practice




• Phase 1: November 28, 2016

Phases of Implementation

• Phase 2: November 28, 2017

• Phase 3: November 28, 2019



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§483.10 Resident rights

Timeline for Implementation

The section will be implemented in Phase 1 with the following exception:

(g)(4)(ii) – (v) Providing contact information for State and local advocacy organizations, Medicare



and Medicaid eligibility information, Aging and Disability Resources Center and Medicaid Fraud Control Unit — Implemented in Phase 2.


– Abuse– Adverse event

– Neglect– Nurse aide


– Common area– Distinct part– Exploitation– Licensed health


– Person-centered care

– Resident representative

– Sexual abuse


professional– Misappropriation– Mistreatment

– Transfer and discharge


F150‐ §483.5


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• Eliminates language such asI d f il b

Resident Rights

– Interested family member– Legal representative

• Replaces it with– Resident Representative


Resident Representative


• An individual of resident choice who has access to information and participates

Resident Representative

in health care discussions• Personal representative with legal

standing in accordance with state law– Power of Attorney– Representative payee and other fiduciaries


p p y– Legal Guardian or conservator– Health Care Surrogate– Legal representative



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• Representativeh h i h i id ’

Resident Representative

– has the right to exercise resident’s rights to the extent those right are delegated to the resident representative

– Resident retains right to exercise those rights not delegated to a representative and the right to revoke a delegation of


and the right to revoke a delegation of rights, except as limited by state law


• If selected as the personal representative must be afforded

Same Sex Spouse

representative, must be afforded treatment equal to an opposite sex spouse if marriage was valid in the jurisdiction it was celebrated in



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1. Right to exercise his/her rights as resident of facility and as citizen or

id t f th U it d St t

Resident Rights

resident of the United States2. Right to be free from interference,

coercion, discrimination, and reprisal from facility in exercising those rights and to be supported by the facility in


exercising those rights3. Right to designate a representative in

accordance with state law


4. If resident is adjudged incompetent under state law or court of competent

Resident Rights

jurisdiction the rights of the resident devolve to and are exercised by the representative appointed under state law to act on the resident’s behalf


Resident may exercise his/her rights to the extent not prohibited by court order



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• Court appointed representative exercises the resident’s rights to the

Resident Rights

exercises the resident’s rights to the extent judged necessary by a court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with state law

• Resident wishes and preferences must b d d h f h


be considered in the exercise of the rights by the representative


• To the extent possible, the resident must be provided with the opportunity

Resident Rights

must be provided with the opportunity to participate in the care planning process

5. Any legal surrogate designated in accordance with state law may exercise the resident’s rights to the


exercise the resident s rights to the extent provided by state law if the resident has not been adjudged incompetent



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6. Planning and implementing care: resident has a right to be informed of and participate in his/her treatment

Resident Rights

and participate in his/her treatment including:– Right to be fully informed in a language

he/she can understand of total health status, including but not limited to medical condition


medical condition– Right to be informed in advance of care

to be furnished and disciplines involved


6. Planning and implementing care– Right to be informed in advance of risks

Resident Rights

and benefits of proposed care, of treatment and treatment alternatives or treatment options and to choose the alternative or option he/she prefers

– Right to request, refuse, and/or d


discontinue treatment, to participate or refuse to participate in experimental research, and to formulate advance directives



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6. Planning and implementing care (F154)

Right to participate in the development

Resident Rights

– Right to participate in the development and implementation of his or her person centered care plan

– Right to sign his or her person centered care plan

7 Ri ht t lf d i i t di ti if


7. Right to self-administer medications if the IDT has determined that this practice is clinically appropriate (F175)


8. Resident does not have right to receive provision of medical treatment or medical services deemed medically

Resident Rights

yunnecessary or inappropriate (F155)

9. Right to choose his/her attending physician (F163)

10.Right to respect and dignity (F221)11 Ri ht t b f f h i l


11.Right to be free from any physical or chemical restraints imposed for discipline or convenience of staff and not required to treat medical symptoms (F221) 20


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12. Right to retain and use personal possessions including furnishings, and clothing as space permits unless to do

Resident Rights

clothing as space permits, unless to do so would infringe on the rights or health and safety of other residents (F252)

13. Right to share a room with a roommate of his/her choice when practicable, when both residents live in the same facility


both residents live in the same facility and both consent (F175)


14. Right to receive notice before the resident’s room or roommate in the facility is changed (F247)

Resident Rights

y g ( )15. Right to refuse to transfer to another

rooms if the purpose is to relocate for staff convenience (F177)

16. Self Determination (F242)



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• Notices required– State & local advocacy organizations,

State Long Term Care Ombudsman

Resident Rights

State Long-Term Care Ombudsman program

– Information regarding Medicare and Medicaid eligibility and coverage & Medicaid fraud control unit (Phase 2)Contact information for Aging &


– Contact information for Aging & Disability Resource Center

– How to file grievances or complaints about abuse, neglect, misappropriation


• Access to Information– Right to access medical records

t i i t hi h lf (F153)

Resident Rights

pertaining to him or herself (F153)• Upon oral or written request in a readable

format requested within 24 hours excluding weekends and holidays and….

• After receipt for inspection, the opportunity to purchase a copy or portions of upon


p py p prequest and 2 working days advance notice to facility

• Charges may include, labor for copying, supplies for creating copies, postage if mailed



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• Right to examine the results of the most recent survey of the facility

Resident Rights

most recent survey of the facility conducted by the Federal or State surveyors and any plan of correction in effect with respect to the facility (F167)

• Right to receive information from agencies acting as client advocates


agencies acting as client advocates, and be afforded the opportunity to contact these agencies (F168)


• Right to personal privacy and confidentiality of his/her own personal

Resident Rights

y pand medical records (F164)

• Right to privacy in his/her verbal, written, and electronic communication, including right to send and promptly receive unopened mail and other


receive unopened mail and other letters, packages and other materials delivered to the facility for the resident (F170)



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• Right to privacy includes accommodations, medical treatment, written and telephone communications

Resident Rights

written and telephone communications, personal care, visits, and meetings of family and resident groups, but does not require facility to provide a private room for each resident (F164)Ri ht t d fid ti l


• Right to a secure and confidential medical record (F164)


• Communication– Right to have reasonable access to the

f t l h i l di TTY d

Resident Rights

use of a telephone including TTY and TDD services (F174)

– Right to a place where calls can be made without being overheard

– Right to retain and use a cell phone at id t’


resident’s own expense



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• Communication– Right to have reasonable access to and


gprivacy in the use of electronic communications such as email and video if the facility has access (F170)

• At the resident’s expense if additional costs are incurred by the facility to provide such access


access– Right to access stationary, postage, and

writing implements at resident expense


• Right to an environment that is safe, clean comfortable and homelike

Resident Rights

clean, comfortable, and homelike environment (F252)

• Right to receive treatment and supports for safe daily living



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• Right to voice grievances to the facility or other agency or entity without

Resident Rights

reprisal and without fear of discrimination (F165)– Includes those with respect to care and

treatment which has been furnished as well as that which has not been


furnished• Right to prompt efforts by the facility to

resolve grievances (F166)


• Included in Resident Rights

Facility Responsibilities -NEW

• Protects resident rights• Enhances quality of life• Brings responsibilities together that are dispersed

throughout the SOM• Parallels many resident rights provisions

E d i it ti i ht


• Expands visitation rights

Policy, Education, Update Resident and Employee Handbook



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• Facility must ensure that resident can exercise his/her rights without interference, coercion discrimination or reprisal from

Facility Responsibilities

coercion, discrimination, or reprisal from the facility (F151)

• Facility must provide equal access to quality care regardless of diagnosis, severity of condition, or payment source (F240)

• Facility must establish and maintain


• Facility must establish and maintain identical policies and practices regarding transfer, discharge, and provision of services regardless of pay source (F207)


• Facility must treat the decisions of the representative as the decisions of the

Facility Responsibilities

representative as the decisions of the resident to the extent required by the court or as delegated by the resident (F152)

• Facility shall not extend the representative’s right to make decisions


representative’s right to make decisions on the resident’s behalf beyond the extent required by the court or delegated by the resident (F152)



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• If the facility has reason to believe that a representative is making decisions or

Facility Responsibilities

a representative is making decisions or taking actions that are not in the best interest of the resident, the facility may report such concerns as permitted and shall report such concerns when and in the manner required by state law


the manner required by state law (F152)


• Planning & Implementing Care– Facility must inform the resident of the

Facility Responsibilities

right to participate in his/her treatment and shall support the resident in this right (F155)

– The planning process must• Include resident and/or representative


• Include an assessment of the resident’s strengths and needs

• Incorporate resident personal and cultural preferences in developing goals of care



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• Attending physician– Facility must ensure that each resident

Facility Responsibilities

Facility must ensure that each resident remains informed of the name, specialty, and way of contacting the physician and other primary care professionals responsible for his/her care (F163)


• Self DeterminationF ili d f ili

Facility Responsibilities

– Facility must promote and facilitate resident self determination through support of the resident choices (F242)



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• Facility must provide immediate access to any resident by

Facility Responsibilities

to any resident by– Any representative of the Secretary,

State, Office of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman, protection and advocacy systems (including mental illness) (F172)


illness) (F172)– His/her individual physician


• Facility must provide immediate access to any resident by

Facility Responsibilities

– Resident representative (F172)• Immediate family member or other relatives

subject to the resident right to deny or withdraw consent at any time

• Others who are visiting with consent of resident subject to reasonable clinical and


resident, subject to reasonable clinical and safety restrictions

• Individuals that provide health, social, legal, or other services to the resident



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• Facility must have written policies and procedures regarding the visitation

Facility Responsibilities

procedures regarding the visitationrights of the residents, including those setting forth any clinically necessary or reasonable restrictions or limitation that the facility may need to place on such rights and the reasons for the


such rights and the reasons for the clinical or safety restriction or limitation (F172)


• Facility must inform each resident and/or representative (F172)

Facility Responsibilities

/ p ( )– Of his/her visitation rights, including any clinical or

safety restrictions or limitations– Of the right to receive visitors he/she designates

including spouse (same-sex) or partner, family member, friend

– That facility may not restrict, limit, or otherwise deny visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, national


visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability

– Ensure all visitors enjoy full and equal visitation privileges



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• Facility must provide a resident or family group with private space (F243)


Facility Responsibilities

and– Staff and visitors may attend meetings only at

the group’s invitation– Facility must provide a designated staff person

who is approved by the family or resident group and facility who is responsible for


g p y pproviding assistance and responding to written requests from the groups

– Facility must consider and act upon grievances and recommendations of groups regarding care and life in the facility


• Facility must not require a resident to perform services for the facility, the

id if h / h h (F169)

Facility Responsibilities

resident may if he/she chooses (F169) when– Facility has documented the resident’s need or

desire for work in the care plan– Plan specifies the nature of the services

performed and whether the services are paid


performed and whether the services are paid or voluntary

– Compensation for paid services is at or above prevailing rates

– Resident agrees to the work arrangement in the plan of care 44


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• Facility must not require residents to deposit personal funds with the facility (F158) if h id h

Facility Responsibilities

(F158), if the resident chooses to – Upon written authorization of the resident, the

facility must safeguard, manage, and account for personal funds of the resident

– Deposits in excess of $100 must be deposited into an interest bearing account that is separate from

ti t th t dit ll i t t


any operating accounts, that credits all interest earned to the resident account.

– A personal fund that does not exceed $100 may be placed in non-interest bearing, interest bearing, or petty cash account


• Accounting and records (F159)– Facility must establish and maintain a

Facility Responsibilities

system that assures a full, complete, and separate accounting of each resident’s personal funds entrusted to the facility on the resident’s behalf

– Must be according to generally accepted ti i i l


accounting principles



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• Accounting and records– Facility system must preclude any

Facility Responsibilities

commingling of resident funds with facility funds or with the funds of any person other than the resident

– Individual financial record must be available to the resident through


quarterly statements and upon request


• Accounting and records– Facility must notify each resident that

Facility Responsibilities

receives Medicaid benefits • When the account reaches $200 less than

the SSI resource limit for one person• That if the amount in the account in addition

to the value of the resident’s other nonexempt resources reaches the SSI limit


pfor one person the resident may lose eligibility for Medicaid or SSI



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• Accounting and records– Conveyance upon discharge, eviction, or

Facility Responsibilities

y p g , ,death of a resident with a personal fund with the facility, facility must convey within 30 days the resident’s funds and a final accounting of those funds to the resident, or in the case of death, the

d d l b d


individual or probate jurisdiction administering the resident’s estate


• Accounting and records– Assurance of financial security (F161)

Facility Responsibilities

– Facility must purchase a surety bond or otherwise provide assurance satisfactory to the Secretary to assure the security of all personal funds of residents deposited with the facility



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• Accounting and records– Facility must not impose a charge

h l f d f d

Facility Responsibilities

against the personal funds of a resident for any item or service for which payment is made under Medicare or Medicaid (except for applicable deductibles or co-insurance) (F162)F ilit h id t f


– Facility may charge a resident for requested services that are more expensive or in excess of covered services


• Facility may charge for– Cosmetics and grooming items

Facility Responsibilities

– Personal clothing– Personal reading materials– Gifts purchased on behalf of resident– Flowers and plants

Costs to participate in activities that fall


– Costs to participate in activities that fall outside the scope of the activity program

– Private duty nurses or aides52


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• Facility may charge for– Telephone, including cell phone

Facility Responsibilities

– Television, radio, computer, electronics– Smoking materials, notions, novelties,

and confections


• Facility must inform orally and in writing, the resident requesting an item

Facility Responsibilities

g, q gor service, for which a charge will be made that there will be a charge for the item and what the charge will be



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• Information and CommunicationFacility must ensure that information is

Facility Responsibilities

– Facility must ensure that information is provided to each resident in a form and manner that the resident can access and understand, including an alternative format or in a language the resident can understand (F156)


( )


• Information and Communication– Facility must provide the resident with

Facility Responsibilities

access to medical records pertaining to him or herself upon oral or written request in the form or format requested by the individual including electronic format, or a hard copy or other form agreed to by the facility and resident


agreed to by the facility and resident within 24 hours excluding weekends and holidays (F153)



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• Information and Communication– Facility must make reports with respect

Facility Responsibilities

to any surveys, certification, and complaint investigations conducted by Federal or State surveyors during the 3 preceding years available for reviewupon request and any plans of correction in effect with respect to the


correction in effect with respect to the facility readily accessible to residents (F167)

– A notice must be posted of report availability


• Information and Communication– Facility must post in a form and manner

accessible and understandable (F156)

Facility Responsibilities

accessible and understandable (F156)• List of names, addresses (mailing & email),

and telephone numbers of all pertinent agencies and advocacy groups such as State survey & certification agency, State licensure office, adult protective services where state law provide for jurisdiction in


where state law provide for jurisdiction in LTC facilities, Office of Ombudsman, protection & advocacy network, home and community based service programs, and Medicaid fraud control unit



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• Information and Communication– Facility must post in a form and manner

accessible and understandable

Facility Responsibilities

accessible and understandable • A statement that the resident may file a

complaint with the State survey and certification agency concerning resident abuse, neglect, misappropriation of resident property in the facility, and non-compliance with Advance Directives


with Advance Directives


• Advance Directives– Inform and provide written information

Facility Responsibilities

pto all adult residents concerning the right to accept or refuse medical or surgical treatment and formulate an advance directive (F155)

– Provide a written description of the


facility policies to implement advance directives and applicable State law



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• Advance Directives– Facilities are permitted to contract with

th titi t f i h thi i f ti

Facility Responsibilities

other entities to furnish this information but are still legally responsible for ensuring that the requirements are met

– Facility may give advance directive information to the representative if the resident is incapacitated upon admission


resident is incapacitated upon admission– If the resident does become able to

receive the information the facility must have measures in place to follow up


• Advance Directives– Facility must display in the facility

itt i f ti d id t

Facility Responsibilities

written information and provide to residents and applicants for admission, oral and written information about how to apply for and use Medicare and Medicaid benefits, and how to receive refunds for previous payments covered


refunds for previous payments covered by such benefits



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Notification of Changes– Facility must immediately inform the

resident, consult with the physician, (F157)

Facility Responsibilities

, p y , ( )and notify representative when there is

• An accident involving the resident which results in injury and has the potential for requiring physician intervention

• A significant change in the resident’s physical, mental, or psychosocial status


mental, or psychosocial status• A need to alter treatment significantly – due to

adverse consequences or new form of treatment• A decision to transfer or discharge the resident

from the facility63

• Notification of Changes– When making notification facility must

th t ll ti t i f ti i

Facility Responsibilities

ensure that all pertinent information is provided upon request to the physician

– Facility must promptly notify the resident and/or representative if there is

• A change in room or roommate assignmentA h i id t i ht


• A change in resident rights– Facility must record and periodically

update the address, email, and phone number of the representative



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• Admission to a composite distinct part (F208)

l d l d

Facility Responsibilities

– Facility must disclose in its admission agreement its physical configuration, including the various locations that comprise the composite distinct part and also the policies that apply to room changes between its different locations


changes between its different locations


F156• Facility must provide a notice of rights

nd e i e to the e ident p io to o

Facility Responsibilities

and services to the resident prior to or upon admission and during the resident’s stay

• Facility must inform the resident orally and in writing of his/her rights and all


rules and regulations governing resident conduct and responsibilities during the stay in the facility



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• Facility must provide the resident with the State developed notice of Medicaid

Facility Responsibilities

the State-developed notice of Medicaid rights and obligations

• Acknowledgement of receipt of Medicaid rights and obligations must be in writing


• Facility must inform each Medicaid eligible resident in writing at the time

Facility Responsibilities

eligible resident, in writing, at the time of admission to the SNF and when the resident becomes eligible for MA of– Items and services that are included in

nursing facility servicesOther items and services that the facility


– Other items and services that the facility offers and for which the resident may be charged and the amount



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• Facility must inform each Medicaid eligible resident, in writing, at the time

Facility Responsibilities

of admission to the SNF, when the resident becomes eligible for MA, and periodically of– Items and services that change under

Medicare and Medicaid (as soon as


reasonably possible)– Items and/or services that facility offers

(Must give 60 day notice in writing)


• If a resident dies or is hospitalized or is transferred and does not return, facility must refund any deposit or any charges

Facility Responsibilities

must refund any deposit or any charges already paid less the facility per diem rate, regardless of any minimum stay or discharge notice requirements (F160)



• Facility must refund money due within 30 days of discharge



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• Facility must furnish to each resident a written description of legal rights

Facility Responsibilities

written description of legal rights including– Manner of protection of personal funds– Requirements and procedures for

establishing eligibility for Medicaid i l di h i h


including the right to request an assessment of resources


• Facility must furnish to each resident a written description of legal rights

Facility Responsibilities

including– A list of names, addresses (mailing and

email) and telephone numbers of State regulatory and informational agencies, advocacy groups such as State licensure

O b d d lt t ti


agency Ombudsman, adult protection, community resources, and Medicaid fraud control unit



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• Facility must furnish to each resident a written description of legal rights i l di

Facility Responsibilities

including– A statement that the resident may file a

complaint with the State survey and certification agency concerning any suspected violation of regulations, including but not limited to abuse


including but not limited to abuse, neglect, misappropriation, and non-compliance with advance directive or return to community requirements


• Facility must protect and facilitate that resident’s right to communicate with

Facility Responsibilities

gindividuals and entities within and external to the facility including reasonable access to– A telephone (including TTY & TDD)– Internet if available


Internet if available– Stationary, postage, writing implements,

and ability to send mail



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• Facility must protect the resident’s right to personal privacy, including privacy in

Facility Responsibilities

p p y, g p yhis/her verbal, written, and electronic communications– Including the right to send and promptly

receive mail that is unopened both from a postal service and by other means


p y


• Facility must protect the resident’s right to personal privacy, including privacy in hi /h b l itt d l t i

Facility Responsibilities

his/her verbal, written, and electronic communications– Privacy includes accommodations,

medical treatment, written and telephone communications, personal ca e isits and meetings ith famil


care, visits, and meetings with family and resident groups, but does not require facility to provide private room for each resident



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• Facility must comply with resident rights regarding his/her medical

Facility Responsibilities

rights regarding his/her medical records

• Facility must allow Ombudsman to examine a resident’s medical, social, and administrative records in

d h l


accordance with State law


• Facility must provide a safe, clean, comfortable, and homelike environment

Facility Responsibilities

allowing the resident to use his or her personal belongings to the extent possible (F252)

• Facility must provide housekeeping and maintenance services necessary to


ymaintain a safe, orderly, and comfortable interior (F253)



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• Facility must provide clean bed and bath linens that are in good condition

Facility Responsibilities

• Facility must provide closet space in each room

• Facility must provide adequate and comfortable lighting levels in all areas

• Facility must provide comfortable and


Facility must provide comfortable and safe temperature levels (if initially certified after 10/1/90 must maintain a temperature range of 71-81°F)


• Grievances (F165 & F166) – Facility must make information on how to file a

i l i il bl h

Facility Responsibilities

grievance or complaint available to the resident

– Facility must make prompt efforts to resolve grievances including those with respect to the behavior of other residents

– Facility must establish a grievance policy to


ensure prompt resolution of all grievances regarding resident rights

– Upon request the facility must give a copy of the policy to the resident



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• Grievance Policy must include– Residents will be notified individually or

Facility Responsibilities

through postings in prominent locations throughout the facility of the right to files grievances verbally or in writing

– Right to file grievances anonymously– Contact information of the grievance


official with whom a grievance can be filed including name, business address, email, phone number


• Grievance Policy must include– A reasonable expected time frame for

Facility Responsibilities

A reasonable expected time frame for completing the review of the grievance

– The right to obtain a written decision regarding his/her grievance

– Contact information of independent entities with whom grievances may be


entities with whom grievances may be filed



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– Identify a Grievance Official who is responsible for

• overseeing the grievance process receiving

Facility Responsibilities

• overseeing the grievance process, receiving and tracking grievances through their conclusion

• Leading investigations• Maintaining confidentiality• Communicating grievance decisions to


resident and coordinating with agencies• Taking immediate action to prevent further

potential violations of any resident right while the alleged violation is being investigated.


– Identify a Grievance Official who is responsible for

• Immediately reporting all alleged violations

Facility Responsibilities

• Immediately reporting all alleged violations involving neglect, abuse, injuries of unknown origin, and/or misappropriation to the Administrator and a required by State law

• Ensure that all grievance decisions include the date received a summary statement of


the date received, a summary statement of the resident grievance, steps taken to investigate, summary of findings, a statement of confirmed or not, any action taken as a result of the grievance, date written decision was issued



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– Identify a Grievance Official who is responsible for

• Taking appropriate corrective action in

Facility Responsibilities

• Taking appropriate corrective action in accordance with State law if the alleged violation is confirmed by the facility or an outside entity having jurisdiction

• Maintaining evidence demonstrating the results of all grievances for a period of no less than three years


less than three years• Not prohibiting or discouraging a resident

from communicating with state or advocacy agencies




Implementation Timeline

ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase1 withthe



Implemented in Phase 3







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• Revised Title – “Freedom from Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation”S f h l d d l h

Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation

• Specifies that you cannot employ individuals who have discipline on license by state licensure body– Abuse– Neglect– Mistreatment– Misappropriation


Policy, Education, HR Forms


• Facility must not use verbal, mental, sexual, or physical abuse, corporal punishment or involuntary seclusion

Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation

punishment, or involuntary seclusion (F226)

• Facility must not employ or otherwise engage individuals who F(225)– Have been found guilty of abuse,


neglect, misappropriation, or mistreatment by a court of law

– Findings on the CNA registry concerning abuse, neglect, mistreatment, or misappropriation 88


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• Facility must not employ or otherwise engage individuals who

H h d di i li ti t k

Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation

– Have had a disciplinary action taken against a professional license by a state licensure body for abuse, neglect, mistreatment, or misappropriation


• Facility must develop & implement written policies and procedures that

Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation

– Prohibit abuse, neglect, exploitation, and misappropriation

– Establish policies and procedures to investigate any such allegations

– Include training for staff


g– Establish coordination with QAPI




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• Facility must develop & implement written policies and procedures that

Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation

– Ensure reporting of crimes in federally funded facilities

• Policy must include annually notification of covered individuals of obligation to comply with, Posting a conspicuous notice of resident


• Posting a conspicuous notice of resident rights

• Prohibiting and preventing retaliation


• In response to an allegation the facility must

Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation

• Ensure all alleged violations are reported immediately to Administrator and other officials

– No later than 2 hours after allegation if events causes serious bodily injury

– No later than 24 hours if events did not result in serious bodily injury


serious bodily injury• Have evidence that alleged violations are

thoroughly investigated



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• In response to an allegation the facility must

Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation

must – Prevent further violations while

investigation is in process– Report results within 5 days with

corrective actionIf ifi d t k i t ti


– If verified, take appropriate corrective action




Implementation Timeline


ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase1 with







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• Admission, Transfer, and Discharge Rights• Transfer or discharge must be documented and

Admission, Transfer, Discharge

• Transfer or discharge must be documented and include:– History of present illness– Reason for transfer– Past medical/surgical history– Exchange with receiving provider or facility


Policy, education, DC documentation forms


• Facility must establish and implement an admissions policy (F208)

• Facility must not request or require residents or


• Facility must not request or require residents or potential residents to waive their rights under Medicare and Medicaid

• Facility must not require oral or written assurance that residents or potential residents are not eligible for or will not apply for Medicare or Medicaid


Medicaid• Facility must not request or require residents or

potential residents to waive potential liability for losses of personal property



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• Facility must not request or require a third party guarantee of payment to the facility


party guarantee of payment to the facility as a condition of admission or expedited admission, or continued stay in facility

• Facility may ask representative to sign the admission agreement if they have legal access to resident resources without


access to resident resources, without incurring personal financial responsibility, to provide payment from the resident resources


• Facility must establish, maintain, and implement identical policies for transfer, discharge and the provision of services


discharge, and the provision of services for all individuals regardless of payment

• Facility may charge any amount for services furnished to non-Medicaid residents unless otherwise limited by state law


law• The State is not required to offer

additional services other than what is provided in the State plan



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• Facility must permit each resident to remain in the facility and not transfer or discharge (F201)them unless


them unless– The transfer or discharge is necessary for the

resident’s welfare and the resident needs cannot be met in facility

– The transfer or discharge is appropriate because the resident’s health has improved sufficiently so that the resident no longer needs the services


gprovided by the facility

– The safety of the individuals in the facility is endangered due to the clinical or behavioral status of the resident


• Facility must permit each resident to remain in the facility and not transfer or discharge them unless


unless– The health of individuals in the facility would

otherwise be endangered– The resident has failed, after appropriate and

reasonable notice to pay for a stay at the facility, non-payment does not apply unless the resident has not submitted the necessary paperwork for


has not submitted the necessary paperwork for 3rd party payment

– The facility ceases to operate



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• Facility must document the discharge or transfer in the resident medical record (F202)


in the resident medical record (F202)• Documentation must include

– Basis for transfer– Specific needs that cannot be met and the

attempts to meet the resident needs and the service available at the receiving facility to meet the need


e eed• Documentation must be made by

– The physician – The staff processing the discharge


• Information provided to the receiving entity must include at a minimum

D hi


– Demographics– Representative information– Advance directives– History of present illness– Reason for transfer with PCP contact information– Past medical/surgical history with procedures


– Active diagnoses/current problem list and status– Lab tests and results of pertinent lab & diagnostics– Functional status



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• Information provided to the receiving entity must include at a minimum– Psycho-social assessments including cognition


– Social Supports– Behavioral health issues– Medications– Allergies– Immunizations– Smoking status


g– Vital signs– Unique identifiers for implanted devices– Comprehensive care plan goals, health concerns,

assessment and plan, preferences, interventions, efforts to meet resident needs


• Notice of involuntary transfer or discharge – Facility must notify resident/representative in

Involuntary DC

– Facility must notify resident/representative in writing

– Record the reasons in the clinical record– Provide 30 days notice unless

• the safety of the individuals in the facility is endangered (then as soon as practicable)

• If the resident health status improves sufficiently to allow f di h


for sooner discharge • Immediate transfer or discharge is required by resident’s

urgent medical needs• Resident has been there less than 30 days



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• Contents of discharge notice– Reason for discharge/transfer

Involuntary DC

– Reason for discharge/transfer– Effective date of discharge/transfer– Location resident will be discharged to– Resident right to appeal notice language– Ombudsman contact information– State contact information

F ID d MH id h i d


– For ID and MH residents the protection and advocacy agency contact information


• Changes to the notice– If the information in the notice changes prior to

Involuntary DC

effecting the transfer/discharge of the resident, the facility must update the recipients of the notice as soon as practicable once the updated information becomes available

• Orientation for transfer or discharge (F204)– Facility must provide and document sufficient

preparation and orientation to residents to ensure


preparation and orientation to residents to ensure safe and orderly transfer or discharge

– Provision of information must be in a format the resident can understand



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• Notice in advance of facility closure (F203)

Facility Closure

(F203)– Administrator must provide written notification

prior to the impending closure to• State survey agency• Office of Ombudsman• Residents of facility

R t ti


• Representatives• Other responsible parties

– Must include plan for the transfer and adequate relocation of the residents


• Notice of bed-hold and readmission (F205)

Bed Hold

(F205)– Must be given before hospitalization or leave– Duration of the state bed hold policy during

which the resident is permitted to return and resume residence in the facility

– The reserve bed payment policy in the state


plan– Policy regarding bed hold must be given to




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• Comprehensive Assessment using RAI/MDS (F272)

Discharge Planning

– Facility must make a comprehensive assessment of a residents

• Needs• Strengths• Goals


• Life history• Preferences


• Coordination (F285)– Facility must coordinate assessments with the

Preadmission Screening

PASARR (preadmission screening and resident review) program under Medicaid in subpart C of this part to the maximum extent practicable to avoid duplicative testing and effort

– Facility must incorporate recommendations from PASARR level II determination and the PASARR evaluation report into a resident’s assessment, care


evaluation report into a resident s assessment, care planning, and transitions of care

– Refer all level II residents to PASARR for review when significant change occurs



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• A facility may not admit a resident with mental illness or intellectual disability

Preadmission Screening

mental illness or intellectual disability unless the State MH, ID or DD authority has determined prior to admission– Individual requires skilled nursing

facility services


– Whether the individual requires specialized services for ID


• Exceptions to PASARR reviewR i f h i l

Preadmission Screening

– Returning from hospital– Admission from hospital after inpatient

acute care– Resident requires SNF services for

conditions that were treated in the


hospital– If the physician certifies that SNF care is

needed less than 30 days



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Implementation Timeline


ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase1 with


‐(a)Baselinecareplan—ImplementedinPhase 2

(b)(3)(iii) Trauma informed care—





F279• Baseline care plan within 48 hours - Phase 2• Specialized services or rehab follow through from

Person Centered Care Planning

• Specialized services or rehab follow through from PASARR recommendations

• IDT – must include a nursing assistant and a member of the nutrition services department to develop care plan

• Care plan must include dc planning, resident goals treatment preferences


goals, treatment preferences• DC Summary – Medication Reconciliation• Post DC Plan of Care

Policy, education, care plan, dc documents114


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• Comprehensive person centered care plan

Plan of Care

• Phase 2 - Baseline care plan – (share with resident and/or representative)– Within 48 hours of admission– Initial goals based on orders

• Physician orders


• Dietary orders• Therapy services• Social services


• Care plan must describe– Service that are to be furnished to

Plan of Care

attain or maintain the resident’s highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being

– Any other services that would otherwise be required but are not provided due to

id t i f i ht i l di


resident exercise of rights including right to refuse treatment

– Specialized services or rehab from PASARR recommendations



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• Care plan must describe in consultation with the resident and the

Plan of Care

with the resident and the representative– Goals for admission & desired outcomes– Preferences and potential for future DC

• Facility must document whether the id t’ d i t t t th it


resident’s desire to return to the community was assessed and any referrals to community resources

• DC plan in care plan


• Comprehensive care plan must be– Developed within 7 days after

l ti f h i

Plan of Care

completion of comprehensive assessment

– Prepared by the IDT• Attending Physician• RN

N id


• Nurse aide• Nutrition services• Resident/representative if practicable



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• The services provided or arranged by the facility must

Plan of Care

the facility must– Be provided by qualified persons in

accordance with each resident’s written plan of care

– Meet professional standards of quality


– Phase 3 - Be culturally-competent and trauma-informed


• Discharge Planning– Facility must develop and implement an

Discharge Planning

y p peffective discharge process that focuses on

• the resident’s discharge goals• preparing residents to be active partners in

post-discharge care


• effective transition from SNF to post-SNF • reduction of factors leading to preventable




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• The discharge planning process must

Discharge Planning

– Ensure the discharge needs are identified & result in the development of a discharge plan

– Include regular re-evaluation during stay for any needed changes to the


y y gdischarge plan

– Involve the IDT in the process of developing the discharge plan


• The discharge planning process must

Discharge Planning

– Consider the resident or caregiver support persons capacity and capability to perform required care upon discharge

– Involve the resident and/or representative


– Inform the resident/representative of the final plan

– Address the resident’s goals of care and treatment preferences



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• Facility must assist residents and/or representatives in selecting a post

Discharge Planning

representatives in selecting a post-acute care provider by using data that includes standardized patient assessment data, data on quality measures, and data on resource useh d b l d


• The data must be relevant and applicable to the resident’s goals of care and treatment preferences


• Facility must document an evaluation of the resident’s discharge needs and di h l

Discharge Planning

discharge plan• Facility must discuss the results of the

evaluation with the resident/representative

• Facility must incorporate all relevant i f ti i t th di h l t


information into the discharge plan to facilitate its implementation and avoid unnecessary delays in the resident’s discharge or transfer



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• Diagnoses• Course of illness/treatment or therapy

Discharge Summary

• Course of illness/treatment or therapy• Pertinent lab, radiology and

consultation reports• Final summary of the resident’s status

available for release to authorized


persons and agencies with consent of resident and/or representative


• Reconciliation of all pre-discharge medications with the post-discharge

di ti i l di OTC

Discharge Summary

medications including OTC• A post discharge plan of care that is

developed with the participation of the resident and with consent the family which will assist the resident to adjust


to his/her new living environment



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‐This entire section will be implemented in

Implementation Timeline




implementedinPhase1 withthefollowing







• Clarifies ADL abilities• Minimum requirements for Activity Director


Quality of Care & Life

qualifications• Assisted nutrition and hydration – new name• Pain management• Moves unnecessary meds, medication errors,

immunizations to pharmacy services


Policy, education, assessment, care plan



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• F 309– Pain management

Quality of Care & Life

g– Dialysis– Recognition and management of

dementia and behavior management– Non-pressure related skin ulcer/wound



– Hospice


• The facility must ensure– A resident is given the appropriate

treatment and services to maintain or

Quality of Care & Life

treatment and services to maintain or improve his/her ability in ADLs (F310)

– A resident who is unable to carry out ADLs receives the necessary services to maintain good nutrition, grooming, personal & oral hygiene (F311)


personal & oral hygiene (F311)– That personnel provide basic life support

including CPR subject to the resident’s advance directives (F155)



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• Activities of daily living– Hygiene (bathing, dressing, grooming,

Quality of Care & Life

yg ( g, g, g g,and oral care)

– Mobility (transfer and ambulation)– Elimination (toileting)– Dining (including meals and snacks)

Communication (Speech language


– Communication (Speech, language, other functional communication systems)


• Activities (F248)– Facility must provide, based on the

comprehensive assessment and care

Quality of Care & Life

pplan and the preferences of each resident an ongoing program to support residents in their choice of activities both facility sponsored group, individual, and independent activities d d h f d


designed to meet the interests of and support the physical, mental, and psychosocial well being of each resident, encouraging both independence and interaction in the community 132


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• Activities– The program must be directed by a qualified

professional who is a qualified therapeutic

Quality of Care & Life

p q precreation specialist or an activities professional who

• Is licensed or registered by the state in which practicing

• Is eligible for certification as a therapeutic specialist or as an activities professionalHas two years of experience in a social or


• Has two years of experience in a social or recreational program within the last 5 years, 1 of which was full time in an activity program

• Is an OT or OTA• Has completed a training course approved by the

state 133

• Special Treatments and Procedures– Based on the comprehensive

t th f ilit t th t

Quality of Care & Life

assessment the facility must ensure that residents receive treatment and care related to special concerns• Restraints• Bed Rails (F461)



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• Special Care Issues• Vision and hearing

Quality of Care & Life

– Facility must assist the resident in making arrangements and arranging for transportation to and from appointments


• Skin Integrity– Facility must provide care consistent

Quality of Care & Life

Facility must provide care consistent with professional standards of practice to prevent pressure injuries unless unavoidable

– For residents with pressure injuries they receive treatment and services to


promote healing, prevent infection, and prevent new pressure injuries from developing



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• Foot Care (F328)– Facility must provide foot care and

Quality of Care & Life

Facility must provide foot care and treatment including preventing complications from the resident’s medical condition

– Facility must assist the residents with making appointments and arranging for


g pp g gtransportation to and from appointments


• Mobility (F317 & 318)– Facility must maintain range of motion

Quality of Care & Life

Facility must maintain range of motion unless clinical condition demonstrates that a reduction is unavoidable

– Facility must provide appropriate treatment and services if limited range of motion/limited mobility to increase


/ yrange/mobility and to prevent further decrease in range of motion/mobility



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• Urinary Incontinence (F315)F ili h id h

Quality of Care & Life

– Facility must ensure that a resident who is continent on admission receives services and assistance to maintain continence unless the resident’s condition becomes such that continence is not possible to maintain


is not possible to maintain– Assess for removal of a catheter as soon

as possible unless clinically necessary


• Fecal Incontinence (F315)B d h h i

Quality of Care & Life

– Based on the comprehensive assessment facility must ensure the resident who is incontinent of bowel receives appropriate treatment and services to restore as much normal bowel function as possible


bowel function as possible



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• “Assisted nutrition and hydration”(F322)

Quality of Care and Life

( )– NG tubes– G tubes– Enteral fluids– Facility must ensure that a resident

M i t i t bl t f


• Maintain acceptable parameters of nutritional status such as usual body weight, protein levels, unless the condition demonstrates that it is not possible or resident preferences indicate otherwise


• “Assisted nutrition and hydration”Facility must ensure that a resident

Quality of Care and Life

– Facility must ensure that a resident• who is fed by enteral means receives

treatment and services to restore oral eating skills

• and to prevent complications of enteral feeding including but not limited to


aspiration pneumonia, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, metabolic abnormalities, and nasal-pharyngeal ulcers



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• Accidents– Facility must ensure that resident

Quality of Care and Life

yenvironment remains as free of accident hazards as is possible

– Facility must ensure that each resident receives adequate supervision and assistive devices to prevent accidents


• Accidents– Bed Rails

Quality of Care and Life

Bed Rails • assess for risk of entrapment prior to installation

• Review risks and benefits with resident/representative and obtain informed consent


informed consent• Ensure bed dimensions are appropriate for resident’s size and weight



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• Respiratory Care– Respiratory care including tracheostomy

Quality of Care

Respiratory care including tracheostomy care and tracheal suctioning have been added to specialized services

• Prostheses– Provide rehab services if needed



Implementation Timeline

• Thisentiresectionwillbeimplementedin




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• Delegation of Orders– Dieticians

• Delegation of Orders– Dieticians

Physician Services

– Therapists– NP, PA, CNS

State practice laws Policy, education

– Therapists– NP, PA, CNS

State practice laws Policy, education


• Physician Visits• The physician must

Physician Services

– Review the resident’s total program of care including medications and treatments at each visit

– Write sign and date progress notes at each visit

– Sign and date all orders except for flu and


Sign and date all orders except for flu and pneumovax which can be administered per physician approved policy after assessment for contraindications



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• Physician Visit Frequency– The resident must be seen every 30 days for

Physician Services

The resident must be seen every 30 days for the first 90 days after admission and then every 60 days thereafter

– Timely if done no later than 10 days after visit is required

– Visits may be alternated by physician and NP, PA or CNS


PA, or CNS– Facility must provide availability of physician

coverage 24 hours per day


• *Delegation of TasksPh i i d l h k f

Physician Services

– Physician may delegate the task of writing dietary orders to a qualified dietician or other qualified nutritional professional and therapy orders to a therapist who

• **Is acting within the scope of practice


• **Is acting within the scope of practice according to State law

• Is under supervision of the physician



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Implementation Timeline

ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase1 with


• SpecificusageoftheFacilityAssessmentat

§483 70(e) in the determination of sufficient






• Sufficient Staffing (F353)• Adds competency requirement for determining

Nursing Services

dds co pete cy equ e e t o dete gsufficient nursing staff based on facility assessment– Capacity– Census– Acuity– Assure resident safety


Assure resident safety – Range of diagnoses– Care plan content

Policy, education, 152


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• Facility must ensure that licensed nurses have the specific competencies

Nursing Services

nurses have the specific competencies and skill sets necessary to care for resident needs as identified through assessments and care plans

• Providing care includes assessing, l l d l


evaluating, planning and implementing resident care plans and responding to resident needs


• Hiring and Use of Nurse Aides (F494)

Facility may not use an use an individual

Nursing Services

– Facility may not use an use an individual working in the facility as a nurse aide for more than 4 months, on a full time basis unless

• The individual has completed a CNA training program


• A facility may not use a temporary, per diem, leased, or any basis other than permanent who does not meet requirements

• Facility must seek information from every State registry that may include information



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• §483.40Behavioralhealthservices.

Implementation Timeline

• ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase2 withthefollowing


– (a)(1)Asrelatedtoresidentswithahistoryoftraumaand/or



– (b)(1),(b)(2),and(d)Comprehensiveassessmentandmedically



• Provision of behavioral & mental health services for mental health and psychosocial

Behavioral Health - NEW

services for mental health and psychosocial illnesses

• Competency approach• Staffing• Non pharmacy interventions• Adds gerontology to allowed human service fields



for social service workers

Policy, education, competency, care plan, partnership contracts



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• Facility must have sufficient direct care/direct access staff with

Behavioral Health

/appropriate competencies and skills to provide nursing and related services

• Staffing must be based on the facility assessment


• Behavioral health competencies– Caring for residents with mental illness and

psychosocial disorders as well as residents

Behavioral Health

psychosocial disorders, as well as residents with a history of trauma or PTSD and implementing non-pharmacy interventions

– Based on comprehensive assessment ensure that

• A resident receives appropriate care and i


services• A resident who does not have a diagnosis of

mental health or history of trauma does not display a pattern of decreased social interaction or behaviors unless unavoidable



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• If rehab services for mental illness and intellectual disability are required the f ilit t

Behavioral Health

facility must– Provide the required services including

specialized rehab– Obtain the required services from an

outside resource from a Medicare d/ M di id id f i li d


and/or Medicaid provider of specialized rehab services

– Provide medically-related social services



Implementation Timeline

ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase1 withthe


• (c)(2)Medicalchartreview—ImplementedinPhase2


• (e)Psychotropicdrugs—ImplementedinPhase2



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• Re-designation of requirements – relocates to pharmacy services

Pharmacy Services

to pharmacy services– Unnecessary drugs– Antipsychotic drugs– Medication errors– Influenza– Pneumovax


Policy, education, pharmacy consultant agreement, forms/assessments


• Drug Regimen Review (F428)– At least every month– When resident is “new”

Pharmacy Services

– When resident returns – prior resident– Transferred from hospital or another facility– Monthly if on ABX or psychotic medication– Any drug requested by QAA Committee

• Pharmacist & MD documentation guidelines• Must be sent to MD Medical Director & DON



• Must be sent to MD, Medical Director, & DON• Definition of “irregularities”• Terminology – “psychotropic drugs” any drug that

affects brain activity associated with mental process and behavior



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• A psychotropic drug is any drug that ff t b i ti iti i t d ith

Pharmacy Services

affects brain activities associated with mental processes and behavior– Anti-psychotic– Anti-depressant– Anti-anxiety


– Hypnotic


• Pharmacist must report any irregularities to

Pharmacy Services

irregularities to – Attending physician– Medical Director– Director of Nursing

• Reports must be acted upon


p p• Irregularities include any drug that

meets the criteria for unnecessary drug



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• Irregularities noted by pharmacist during the review must be documented

t itt t i l di

Pharmacy Services

on a separate written report including– Resident name– Relevant drug– Irregularities identified

• Physician must document


y– Irregularity that was reviewed and action

taken, if no changes rationale must be documented


F 329 Phase 2• Facility must ensure that

R id t d t i PRN

Pharmacy Services

– Residents do not receive PRN psychotropic drugs unless that medication is necessary to treat a specific diagnosed condition

– PRN orders are limited to 14 days and cannot be continued beyond that time


cannot be continued beyond that time unless the PCP documents the rationale for this continuation in the record

– PRN orders for antipsychotics extended after PCP evaluation of the resident



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Timeline Implementation


• Thisentiresectionwillbeimplementedin



• NEW Section• Ordering Services may be done by:

Lab, Radiology, & Other Diagnostic Services

– Physician Assistant– Nurse Practitioner– Clinical Nurse Specialist

• Ordering clinician must be notified of abnormal labs when they fall outside clinical reference ranges, in accordance with policy or per provider


a ges, acco da ce t po cy o pe p o deorders

Policy, education, contracted provider agreements



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• The facility must– Provide or obtain lab or radiology services only

Lab, Radiology, & Other Diagnostic Services

when ordered by an MD, PA, NP or CNS in accordance with State and scope of practice laws

– Promptly notify the MD, PA, NP, or CNS of laboratory or radiology results that fall outside of clinical reference ranges in accordance with


facility policies and procedures for notification or per physician order



Implementation Timeline

ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase1 withthefollowing


• (a)(3)and(a)(5)Lossordamageofdenturesandpolicyfor



• (b)(3)and(b)(4)Referralfordentalservicesregardinglossor




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• Prohibits SNF from charging a resident for lost or broken dentures when facility is responsible

• Must make referral promptly to fix or replace

Dental Services

• Must make referral promptly to fix or replace dentures within 3 business days

• Extenuating circ*mstances must be documented in the record

• Assist with appointments and transportation


Policy, education



ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase1 withthefollowing


Implementation Timeline


• (a)AslinkedtoFacilityAssessment‐ ImplementedinPhase2

• (a)(1)(iv)Dietitianshiredorcontractedwithpriortoeffectivedate—Built

inimplementationdateof5years followingeffectivedateofthefinalrule.

• (a)(2)(i)Directoroffood&nutritionservicesdesignatedtoservepriorto

effective—Builtinimplementationdateof5years followingtheeffectivedate

of the final rule



• (a)(2)(i)Dietitiansdesignatedtoaftertheeffectivedate—Builtin

implementationdateof1year followingtheeffectivedateofthefinalrule.



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• Director must be one of the following:– Certified Dietary Manager

C ifi d F d S i M

Food & Nutrition Services

– Certified Food Service Manager– Certification from national certification body– Have an AA or higher in food service management or

hospitality– Also meet any state requirements if present

• Menus & nutritional adequacy must reflect needs and preferences:


and preferences:– Religious– Cultural– Ethnic


F361• Staffing – must employ sufficient staff with

appropriate competencies and skills to carry out

Food & Nutrition Services

pp p p yfunction of food services taking into consideration– Resident assessment– Plan of care– Diagnoses and acuity– Census

• Dietician – to be qualified must be registered by


• Dietician – to be qualified must be registered by Commission on Dietetic Registration of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics or meets state licensure or certification requirements



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• Provide food & drink considering (F363)– Allergies

Food & Nutrition Services

g– Intolerances– Preferences of each resident– Ensuring adequate hydration

• Dietician may order therapeutic diets (F367)• Frequency of Meals (F368)

– Have available nourishing alternative meals & snacks


– Non traditional times– Outside of scheduled meal times– Follow care plan


• Clinical need & extent of dining assistance for feeding assistant must be in care plan (F369)F d S f t (F371)

Food & Nutrition Services

• Food Safety (F371)– Ok from local producers– Ok for facility garden produce– Residents may consume food not procured by facility

• Policy needed for use and storage of foods brought into facility by family or visitors


Policy, education, menus, preferences form, care plan



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• Food Safety Requirements (F371)– Facility may obtain food item from local

Food and Nutrition Services

producers, subject to applicable State and local laws or regulations

– Facility may use produce grown in facility gardens, subject to applicable safe growing and food handling


practices– Residents may consume foods not

procured by the facility


• Facility must store, prepare, distribute and serve food in accordance with

Food and Nutrition Services

and serve food in accordance with professional standards for food service safety

• Facility must have a policy regarding use and storage of foods brought to residents from the outside to ensure


residents from the outside to ensure safe and sanitary storage, handling, and consumption



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• Facility must provide food and drink (F364) that is palatable attractive and

Food and Nutrition Services

(F364) that is palatable, attractive, and at a safe and appetizing temperature

• Facility must provide drinks including water and other liquids consistent with resident needs and preferences and

ff d h d


sufficient to maintain resident hydration (F366)


F 368• Facility must provide at least three

Food and Nutrition Services

meals daily, at regular times comparable to normal mealtimes in the community or in accordance with resident needs, preferences, requests, and plans of care


• The 14 hour rule does not apply if the resident group agrees to waive if nourishing snack is provided – 16 then



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• Facility must provide special eating equipment and utensils for residents

Food and Nutrition Services

who need them and appropriate assistance to ensure the resident can use the assistive devices when consuming meals and snacks (F369)

• In an emergency a feeding assistant


• In an emergency a feeding assistant must call a supervisory nurse for help


• Feeding Assistant Program (F373)– Facility must base resident selection on

Food and Nutrition Services

ythe interdisciplinary team’s assessment and the resident’s latest assessment and plan of care

– Appropriateness for the program should be reflected in the care plan



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• Facility must ensure that feeding assistants provide assistance only for

d h h l d

Food and Nutrition Services

residents who have no complicated feeding problems

• Complicated feeding problems include but are not limited to– Difficulty swallowing


– Recurrent lung aspirations– Tube feedings– Parenteral feedings



Implementation Timeline

• Thisentiresectionwillbeimplementedin




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• Provision of services (F406)– Adds respiratory services to specialized rehab

Specialized & Outpatient Rehab

– Clarifies what constitutes as rehab for• Mental illness• Intellectual disability


• Provision of Services– If specialized rehab services such as but not limited

to PT ST OT RT and rehab services for mental

Specialized & Outpatient Rehab

to PT, ST, OT, RT and rehab services for mental illness and intellectual disability or services of a lesser intensity are required in the resident’s comprehensive plan of care, the facility must

• Provide the required services• Obtain the required services from an outside resource from

a MC or MA provider of specialized rehab servicesObt i itt d f h i i th lifi d


• Obtain a written order of a physician or other qualified personnel



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Implementation Timeline

ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase1 with





p g p




• Facility Wide Resource Assessment (F490)– To determine appropriate resources to care for


– To determine appropriate resources to care for residents during day to day operations and also in emergencies

– Update annually & with any major change in census or services

– Address the following:• Census


• Capacity• Types of Care • Staff competencies required• Cultural aspects• Resources (personnel & equipment)



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• Facility Assessment must address or include

Resident population


– Resident population• Number of residents in facility & capacity• Care required by resident population considering

– Types of diseases, conditions, physical & cognitive disabilities, overall acuity, and other pertinent facts of the population

– Staff competencies that are necessary to care for


the population– Physical environment, equipment, services, and

other physical plant considerations– Any ethnic, cultural, or religious factors that may

potentially affect the care including nutrition and activities


• Facility Assessment must address or include– Facility resources


Facility resources• All buildings, physical structures, vehicles• Equipment (medical and non-medical)• Therapies and pharmacy• All personnel including managers, staff (both

employed and contracted) and volunteers as well as their education and/or training and any


well as their education and/or training and any competencies related to resident care

• Contracts, memos of understanding, or other agreements with third parties to provide services or equipment to facility during normal operations or emergencies



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• Facility Assessment must address or include– Facility resources


Facility resources• Health information technology resources, such

as systems for electronically managing patient records and electronically sharing information with other organizations

– Facility-based and community-based risk assessment utilizing a all-hazards approach


assessment utilizing a all hazards approach




• Clinical Records – HIPAA language added• Binding Arbitration Agreements (F525)

– Must be explained


Must be explained– Acknowledge understanding– Voluntary– Admission may not be contingent upon signing– Cannot discourage resident or anyone else from

communicating with federal, state, local health officials or ombudsman


officials or ombudsman– Neutral arbitrator in convenient location



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• Governing body (F493)• Administrator reports to and is


paccountable to the governing body

• Governing body is responsible and accountable for the QAPI program


• Medical Records (F514)– Facility must keep confidential all PHI except

when the release is to


when the release is to• The resident or representative• Required by law• For treatment, payment, or health care operations• For public health activities, reporting of abuse,

neglect, domestic violence, health oversight activities, judicial or administrative proceedings, law


enforcement purposes, organ donation purposes, to coroners, medical examiners, funeral directors, and to avert a serious threat to health and safety



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• Retention of medical records– The medical record must contain

• Sufficient information to identify the resident


• Sufficient information to identify the resident• Record of resident assessments• Comprehensive plan of care and services provided• Results of any preadmission screening and resident

review evaluations and determinations conducted by the state

• Physician, nurse, and other licensed professional


notes• Lab, radiology, and other diagnostic services reports


• Any facility with more than 120 beds must employ a qualified social worker full time (F250)


(F250)• A qualified social worker is

– An individual with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in social work or a bachelor’s degree in a human services field One year of supervised social work experience in a health care setting


working directly with individuals



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ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase3 withthefollowing

Implementation Timeline

p g


• (a)(2)InitialQAPIPlanmustbeprovidedtoStateAgency


• (g)(1)QAAcommittee—Allrequirementsofthissectionwill

beimplementedinPhase1 withtheexceptionof




• (h)Disclosureofinformation—ImplementedinPhase1

• (i)Sanctions—ImplementedinPhase1


• Quality Assurance & Performance Improvement Program – requires all SNFs to:– Develop

QAPI – NEW Section

p– Implement– Maintain

• Effective, comprehensive, data driven QAPI program that focuses on:– Systems of Care

Outcomes of Care


– Outcomes of Care– Quality of Life

Policy, education, QAPI program



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• Program Design and Scope must– Address all systems of care and

t ti


management practices– Include clinical care, quality of life, and

resident choice– Utilize best available evidence to define

and measure indicators of quality and f ilit l th t fl t f


facility goals that reflect processes of care and facility operations that have been shown to be predictive of desired outcomes for residents of SNF


• Program Design and Scope must– Reflect the complexities, unique care,

d i th t th f ilit id


and services that the facility provides• Program Feedback, data systems, and

monitoring– Facility must establish and implement

written policies and procedures for


feedback, data collection systems, and monitoring, including adverse event monitoring



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• Program Feedback, data systems, and monitoring


g– Policies and procedures must include

• Facility maintenance of effective systems to obtain and use feedback from staff, residents, representatives, including how much information will be used to identify problems that are high risk high volume or


problems that are high risk, high volume, or problem prone and opportunities for improvement


• Program Feedback, data systems, and monitoring


monitoring– Policies and procedures must include

• Facility maintenance of effective systems to identify, collect, and use data from all departments, including the facility assessment and how such


the facility assessment and how such information will be used to develop and monitor performance indicators



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• Program Feedback, data systems, and monitoring

Policies and procedures must include


– Policies and procedures must include• Facility development, monitoring, and

evaluation of performance indicators including methodology and frequency

• Facility adverse event monitoring, including the methods by which the facility will


systematically identify, report, track, investigate, analyze and use data and information including how to develop activities to prevent adverse events


• Program systematic analysis and systemic action


– Facility must take actions aimed at performance improvement and after implementing actions, measure success and track performance to ensure improvements are realized and

t i d





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• Program systematic analysis and systemic action

Facility will develop and implement


– Facility will develop and implement policies addressing

• How they will use a systematic approach to determine underlying causes of problems

– Root cause analysis– Reverse tracer methodology

H lth f il d ff t l i


– Health care failure and effects analysis

– Develop corrective actions to prevent quality of care and life, or safety problems


• Program systematic analysis and systemic action


systemic action– Facility will develop and implement

policies addressing• How the facility will monitor the

effectiveness of its performance improvement activities to ensure that i i d


improvements are sustained



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• Program Activities– Facility must set priorities for its

f i t ti iti


performance improvement activities that focus on high risk, high volume, problem-prone areas

– Consider the incidence, prevalence, and severity of problems in those areasAff t h lth t id t f t


– Affect health outcomes, resident safety, resident autonomy, resident choice, and quality of care


• Program Activities– Performance improvement activities

must track medical errors and adverse


must track medical errors and adverse resident events, analyze their causes, and implement preventive actions and mechanisms that include feedback and learning

– Conduct distinct performance


Conduct distinct performance improvement projects, at least one annually that focuses on a high risk area or problem-prone area



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• Governance and Leadership– Responsible and accountable for


ensuring QAPI program is• defined, implemented and maintained

addressing identified priorities• sustained during transitions in leadership

and staffing• adequately resourced including ensuring


• adequately resourced, including ensuring staff time, equipment, and technical training as needed


• Governance and Leadership– Responsible and accountable for


ensuring QAPI program• Identifies & prioritizes problems and

opportunities based on performance indicators, resident and staff input and services provided to residents

• Corrective action addresses gaps in systems


Corrective action addresses gaps in systems and is evaluated for effectiveness

• Sets clear expectations around safety, quality, rights, choice, and respect



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• Committee membership must include at a minimum


include at a minimum– Director of Nursing– Medical Director or designee– Infection Control & Prevention Officer– At least three other members of the

t ff t l t f h t b th


staff, at least one of who must be the Administrator, owner, a board member, or other individual in a leadership role


• The committee must– Meet at least quarterly and as needed


Meet at least quarterly and as needed– Develop & implement plans of action to

correct deficiencies– Regularly review and analyze data,

including data collected under the QAPI program and data resulting from DRR


program and data resulting from DRR and act on available data to make improvements



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• Disclosure of information– State may not require disclosure of


y qrecords for QA related to compliance

– Demonstration of compliance may require State or Federal surveyor access

• Systems and reports demonstrating systematic identification, reporting, i ti ti l i d ti f


investigation, analysis and prevention of adverse events


• Disclosure of information– Demonstration of compliance may


p yrequire State or Federal surveyor access to

• Documentation demonstrating the development, implementation, and evaluation of corrective actions or performance improvement activities


performance improvement activities• Other documentation considered necessary

by a State or Federal surveyor in assessing compliance



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Implementation Timeline

ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase1 withthefollowing


• (a)AslinkedtoFacilityAssessmentat§483.70(e)—


• (a)(3) Antibiotic stewardship—Implemented in Phase 2


(a)(3)Antibioticstewardship ImplementedinPhase2

• (b)InfectionPreventionist (IP)—ImplementedinPhase3

• (c)IPparticipationonQAAcommittee—Implementedin



• IP – Infection Preventionist• IPCP – Infection Prevention & Control Program

system to

Infection Control

– Prevent– Identify– Report– Investigate– Control infections & communicable diseases for all

• Residents


Residents• Staff• Volunteers• Visitors• Others providing services

– Review and update annually216


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• IPCP must include written standards, policies, and procedures th t i l d (F441)

Infection Control

that include (F441)– System of surveillance designed to identify

possible communicable diseases or infections before they can spread

– When and to whom possible incidents of communicable diseases or infections should


communicable diseases or infections should be reported to

– Standards and transmission based precautions to be followed to prevent the spread of infections


• IPCP must include written standards, policies, and procedures th t i l d

Infection Control

that include– When isolation is to be used– Circ*mstances under which the facility

must prohibit employees with communicable diseases or infected skin lesions from direct contact with residents


lesions from direct contact with residents or their food

– Hand hygiene procedures to be followed by staff involved in direct resident contact



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• IPCP must include – Phase 2 - an antibiotic stewardship

th t i l d tibi ti

Infection Control

program that includes antibiotic use protocols and a system to monitor antibiotic use

– a system for recording incidents identified under the facility IPCP and the corrective actions taken by the facility


corrective actions taken by the facility


• Facility must designate one individual as the Infection Preventionist (IP) for whom the IPCP at the facility is a major

Infection Control

the IPCP at the facility is a major responsibility

• The IP must– Be a nurse, medical technologist, microbiologist,

epidemiologist or other related field– work at least part time at the facility


work at least part time at the facility– Is qualified by education, training, experience or

certification– Have specialized training in infection prevention

and control– Participate on the QAA committee – Phase 3 220


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• Annual Review– The facility will conduct an annual

i f it I f ti C t l

Infection Control

review of its Infection Control Prevention Program and update the program as necessary



Implementation Timeline

• Thisentiresectionwillbeimplementedin




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• Requires the operating organization for each facility to have a program that has:

Compliance & Ethics -NEW

– Established written compliance & ethics standards

– Polices and procedures capable of reducing the prospect of violations:

• Criminal• Civil


• Administrative violations

Policy, program, education


• Minimum requirements– Established written policies and


Compliance & Ethics -NEW

procedures– Contact person for reporting– Alternate method of reporting

anonymously – Disciplinary standards that set out


consequences for violations– Assignment of overseers of compliance



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• Minimum requirements– Sufficient resources and authority to overseer

Due care not to delegate substantial

Compliance & Ethics -NEW

– Due care not to delegate substantial discretionary authority to individuals who the operating organization knew or should have known may have had the propensity to engage in a violation

– Facility must communicate program to staff, individuals providing services under a


individuals providing services under a contractual arrangement and volunteers, training is mandatory


• Minimum requirementsTake reasonable steps to achieve

Compliance & Ethics -NEW

– Take reasonable steps to achieve compliance by monitoring & auditing

– Consistent enforcement of the program– After a violation is detected ensure all

reasonable steps are tend to respond appropriately to the violation and


appropriately to the violation and prevent further similar violations



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• For 5 or more facilities– Mandatory annual training on the

Compliance & Ethics -NEW

Mandatory annual training on the program

– Designated compliance officer for whom the program is a responsibility and must report to governing body

– Have designated compliance liaisons at


Have designated compliance liaisons at each facility

– Annual review of program and revision if necessary



Implementation Timeline

ThissectionwillbeimplementedinPhase1 withthefollowing


• (f)(1)Callsystemfromeachresident’sbedside—Implemented


• (h)(5) Policies regarding smoking—Implemented in Phase 2


(h)(5)Policiesregardingsmoking ImplementedinPhase2



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• New certification/building going forward– Two residents or less per room– Each resident room must have a bathroom with:

Physical Environment

• Toilet• Sink

• Establish policies regarding smoking in accordance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations, must include– Smoking

T b i


– Tobacco cessation– Smoking areas– Safety

Policy, education, admission agreement229

• Facility must conduct regular inspection of all bed frames mattresses and bed

Physical Environment

of all bed frames, mattresses, and bed rails as a part of a preventive maintenance program to identify possible areas of entrapment

• Facility must ensure all components are bl


compatible• Call light availability at the bedside



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Implementation Timeline

ThisentiresectionwillbeimplementedinPhase3 withthe


• (c)Abuse,neglect,andexploitationtraining—Implementedin


• (g)(1)Regardingin‐servicetraining,(g)2)dementia




• (h)Trainingoffeedingassistants—ImplementedinPhase1


• Training program for:New and existing staff

Training Requirements

– New and existing staff– Contracted staff– Volunteers

• Facility determines the amount and


types of training necessary



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• Topics must include:– Communication– Resident Rights / Facility Responsibilities

Training Requirements - NEW

– Resident Rights / Facility Responsibilities– Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation– QAPI– Infection Control– Compliance & Ethics– In-service training for nursing assistants

D ti & b t f 12 h

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.


• Dementia & abuse part of 12 hours

– Behavioral Health

Policy, education, programs


Question & Answer



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ds/Survey and Cert Letter 17 07.pdf•



/ / / yIOMs-Items/CMS1201984.html



• abuse and mental health


(services administration)







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Resources for changes to the SNF Requirements of Participation and State Operations Manual Appendix PP

State Operations Manual Draft:

FDA Bed Rail Safety:

Checklist for Care and Services for a Resident with Dementia:

CMS Medicare Beneficiary Resident Rights:

Resident Assessment Instrument manual (MDS 3.0):

National Nursing Home Quality Improvement Campaign for Person Centered Care:

Nursing Skills and Competency Tools:

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:


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Compliance Programs:

CMS S&C Memo re: Safe Smoking in Nursing Homes:

National Fire Protection Association:

CMS website for QAPI:

CDC website for Antibiotic Stewardship:


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.