Liquidity vs. Cash Flow (2024)

In general, liquidity is the ability of a company to meet its current liabilities using its current assets. Cash flow refers to the cash that flows into and out of a company. How well a company performs in these two areas can impact its ability to operate and, ultimately, its profitability as well.


  1. Liquidity refers to the amount of cash an organization has to cover its immediate and short-term obligations. Short-term refers to obligations that have a time frame of 12 months or less. A long-term obligation is one that has a time frame greater than 12 months. Liquidity also refers to the assets of an organization that can be easily converted into cash with the loss of little to no value. A savings account is a type of liquid asset.

Cash Flow

  1. Cash flow is the difference between the amount of cash the company has at the beginning of an accounting period versus the amount of cash it has at the end of an accounting period. Cash flow represents, or is based upon, the operating activities of the business. The cash at the beginning of the accounting period is called the opening balance. Likewise, the cash at the end of the accounting period is called the closing balance. Some of the ways a company can increase cash flow include selling more goods or services, reducing costs and collecting faster on accounts receivables.


  1. Liquidity can impact cash flow. The cash flow for a company is considered positive if the closing balance is more than the opening balance. It's considered negative if the closing balance is more than the opening balance. If a company does not have cash flow sufficient to cover an obligation, it can liquidate an asset to increase the cash on hand. The more liquid an asset is, the easier it'll be for the company to convert it to cash and improve cash flow. For example, a certificate of deposit is generally easier to convert to cash than the sale of a piece of land.


  1. A company may have a positive cash flow and sufficient liquidity to meet immediate and short-term obligations, but that does not automatically mean the company is profitable. Profit is the difference between total costs and total revenue. The company is only profitable if there's a surplus of funds left over after the payment of all costs. A company could have cash sufficient for all of its immediate and short-term expenses but still not turn a profit overall because its costs exceed its revenue.

Liquidity vs. Cash Flow (2024)


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