Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (2024)

Table of Contents
Watching Rogers The Musical "I Was There. You Know Who Wasn't, That Guy. Ant-Man." (Hawkeye) Questioning Thor's Hammer "'Whosoever, Be He Worthy, Shall Haveth The Power'", Whatever Man! It's A Trick!" (Avengers: Age Of Ultron) Wondering About His Place "You Don't Think They Need Me?" (Avengers: Age Of Ultron) Out Of Shape "I Knew I Should Have Stretched." (Captain America: Civil War) Introducing Himself To T'Challa "We Haven't Met Yet. I'm Clint." (Captain America: Civil War) Amateur Sign Language "More Cookie Please, Thank You." (Hawkeye) A Chance To Bring His Family Back "Don't Give Me Hope." (Avengers: Endgame) Natasha And Clint Reminisce "You And I Remember Budapest Very Differently." (The Avengers) Playing LARP "I Beg Of You, Kill Me." (Hawkeye) Watching Thor "You Want Me To Slow Him Down, Sir? Or Are You Sending In More Guys For Him To Beat Up?" (Thor) His Rivalry With Pietro "Nobody Would Know. Nobody. Yeah. The Last I Saw Him, Ultron Was Sitting On Him." (Avengers: Age Of Ultron) Standing Up To Wanda "I've Done The Whole Mind Control Thing. Not A Fan." (Avengers: Age Of Ultron) Getting Even "If I Put An Arrow Through Loki's Eye Socket I'd Sleep Better, I Suppose." (The Avengers) Warning Kate About Being A Superhero "It Comes With A Price." (Hawkeye) Pep Talk For Wanda "...But If You Step Out That Door, You Are An Avenger." (Avengers: Age Of Ultron) Heading Into Space "We've Come A Long Way Since Budapest." (Avengers: Endgame) Recognizing Kate's Skills "You're Not Wrong… Calling Yourself One Of The World's Greatest Archers." (Hawkeye) Remembering Natasha "I Wish There Was A Way That I Could Let Her Know." (Avengers: Endgame) Balancing Things Out "You Survived. Half The Planet Didn't. They Got Thanos. You Get Me." (Avengers: Endgame) Stating The Obvious "The City Is Flying, We’re Fighting An Army Of Robots, And I Have A Bow And Arrow. None Of This Makes Sense." (Avengers: Age Of Ultron) References

Clint Barton (aka Hawkeye) is probably the least appreciated member of the original six Avengers. But while he might not be a fan-favorite like Iron Man or Captain America, and though he might be the butt of a few jokes, Hawkeye does have his moments in the MCU.

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Jeremy Renner has helped to bring some life to the character and show him as a capable badass hero. Avengers: Endgame looks to have put an end to his superhero career with Clint seemingly retiring, but there have been some great Hawkeye quotes delivered in the line of duty.

Updated on January 21st, 2022 by Colin McCormick: With the Hawkeye series, Clint Barton joins the rest of the original six Avengers in getting his own solo story. The show further expanded on the character, making him a more interesting hero and giving him plenty of standout moments.

The show also delivered some great new Clint Barton quotes that will surely stay with fans for a while. This includes lines that revealed new aspects of the character as well as funny lines that allowed Hawkeye to have a bit of fun.

Watching Rogers The Musical

"I Was There. You Know Who Wasn't, That Guy. Ant-Man." (Hawkeye)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (1)

One of the best and most surprising things in Hawkeye was the hilarious and fun Rogers! The Musical. Clint and his family go to check out the Broadway show and Clint is overwhelmed by it all while also pointing out some inaccuracies.

After his daughter calls him out for turning off his hearing aid during the big Battle of New York number, Clint reasons that he knows what happened since he was there. Then points out while Ant-Man is on stage, he wasn't there.

Questioning Thor's Hammer

"'Whosoever, Be He Worthy, Shall Haveth The Power'", Whatever Man! It's A Trick!" (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (2)

One of the standout scenes in Avengers: Age of Ultron was not one of the big action sequences, but rather a laidback moment where the heroes were hanging out. Following a party, the team kicks back and Hawkeye starts questioning what the secret behind Thor's magical hammer really is.

It's funny that Hawkeye, the least superpowered of the heroes, is the one who doesn't buy the whole "worthy" thing with Mjolnir. It also begins the hilarious scene as the Avengers take turns trying to lift the hammer with no luck.

Wondering About His Place

"You Don't Think They Need Me?" (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (3)

Part of the reason Hawkeye was never as popular as some of the other heroes is that he didn't seem to belong on the Avengers. In a team filled with gods and super soldiers, a guy with a bow and arrow just didn't feel vital.

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Hawkeye's wife, Laura, questions his future with the team. He seems to be self-conscious about his place among the superheroes and assumes she doesn't think the team needs him. However, she clarifies that she thinks he's the one that keeps them grounded.

Out Of Shape

"I Knew I Should Have Stretched." (Captain America: Civil War)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (4)

Though he is not always as grounded as he could be, it is also not hard to relate to Clint as he takes the beating and injuries harder than the other heroes. He is the most human member on the Avengers team and has to overcome human challenges.

RELATED:10 Best Hawkeye Comic Book Issues Of The 2010s

When facing off with Vision, Clint seems to be very aware of how out of league he is. He seems like a tired and out-of-shape her who has gotten too old for all of this.

Introducing Himself To T'Challa

"We Haven't Met Yet. I'm Clint." (Captain America: Civil War)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (5)

With the massive scope of the MCU and the fact that it continues to grow, it's always fun to see heroes meeting for the first time. There have been so many memorable first encounters, and while the meeting between Hawkeye and Black Panther isn't epic by any means, it is hilariously blunt.

It happens in the middle of the airport battle in Captain America: Civil War. The two heroes face off and Hawkeye decides it would be polite to introduce himself, prompting Black Panther to reply, "I don't care." It's a funny moment that then pays off in Avengers: Endgame.

Amateur Sign Language

"More Cookie Please, Thank You." (Hawkeye)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (6)

Hawkeye further adds to grounding the character of Clint Barton by showing that he has lost most of his hearing due to his various world-saving adventures. There is also a sweet moment where he and his son are revealed to be learning sign language to help.

This leads to a funny moment when Clint first meets Maya Lopez. Seeing that he knows sign language, she attempts to communicate with him. But Clint is still new at it and can only respond, "More cookie please, thank you."

A Chance To Bring His Family Back

"Don't Give Me Hope." (Avengers: Endgame)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (7)

Hawkeye's transformation into Ronin in Avengers: Endgame was an interesting new direction to take the character, which seems to be tied directly to the Hawkeye. It was also a surprisingly dark journey for an MCU hero.

RELATED:10 Best Hawkeye Comic Book Issues Of The 2000s

When Natasha is finally able to track down her old friend, Clint has been tragically changed by the loss of his family. When she suggests there is a way to undo what Thanos did, he doesn't even want to hear it, unable to even consider having such hope.

Natasha And Clint Reminisce

"You And I Remember Budapest Very Differently." (The Avengers)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (8)

So much of Hawkeye's character is revealed through his relationship with Natasha aka Black Widow. They have a longer history than the rest of the team and that helps solidify their bond.

Though they seem to be the least equipped heroes to take on an invading alien army, they still put themselves right in the middle of the Battle of New York. When Natasha remarks that it's similar to their past mission in Budapest, Clint seems to think there are some glaring differences.

Playing LARP

"I Beg Of You, Kill Me." (Hawkeye)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (9)

The Hawkeye series has a lot of fun allowing Clint to take part in a more appropriate down-to-earth mission. In fact, in one episode, he even finds himself participating in a medieval role-playing community much to his annoyance.

In an attempt to get his Ronin costume back, Clint agrees to be "killed" by another player. As they go through the motions of their fake fight, the player asks Clint if he's ready. Clearly done with the whole situation, Clint begs for death.

Watching Thor

"You Want Me To Slow Him Down, Sir? Or Are You Sending In More Guys For Him To Beat Up?" (Thor)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (10)

Unlike the other Avengers, Hawkeye didn't get much of an introduction to the MCU before appearing in The Avengers. In fact, his only appearance was a quick cameo in Thor. But despite his brief appearance, it did help to establish what Hawkeye would be like in the MCU.

As Thor breaks into the small S.H.I.E.L.D compound and takes out several guards, Hawkeye is sent to take him out. Reporting to Coulson, he has a chance to show that he is co*cky, has a dry wit, and seems to have a bit of contempt for authority.

His Rivalry With Pietro

"Nobody Would Know. Nobody. Yeah. The Last I Saw Him, Ultron Was Sitting On Him." (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (11)

Hawkeye finally got a more significant role in Avengers:Age of Ultronafter being sidelined for most of the firstAvengers. Onegreat addition for the character in the film was his antagonisticrelationship with the speedster Quicksilver. Quicksilver is a constant thorn in Hawkeye's side, even after they apparently become allies.

The hard feelings continue as they battle Ultron's forces. Talking to himself, Hawkeye fantasizes about offing Quicksilver in a bit of great dark humor. Of course, the joke gets a little sadder after Quicksilver is killed by Ultron while saving Hawkeye.

Standing Up To Wanda

"I've Done The Whole Mind Control Thing. Not A Fan." (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (12)

The first Avengers saw Hawkeye put under mind control by Loki in the first scene, making him a slave for two-thirds of the film. Renner publicly spoke about his frustration with this direction for the character. In his mind, he had signed up for a role that he wasn't able to play.

RELATED:10 Best Hawkeye Comic Book Issues Of The 1990s

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, the majority of the team is sidelined by Scarlet Witch's mind control powers. When she tries it on Hawkeye, he shuts that down immediately. It's a nice bit of meta-commentary as the character refuses to go through that again.

Getting Even

"If I Put An Arrow Through Loki's Eye Socket I'd Sleep Better, I Suppose." (The Avengers)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (13)

Needless to say, the whole mind control thing really messed with Hawkeye's mind. He struggled to push the mischievous god out of his brain and then had to grapple with all the terrible things he'd done. The whole thing put him in a pretty foul mood.

After getting a quick pep talk from Natasha,Clint decides the best way to cope with the situation is with a little revenge. It's one of the funnier Clint Barton quotes but might also hint at the violent and dark path Hawkeye goes down later on.

Warning Kate About Being A Superhero

"It Comes With A Price." (Hawkeye)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (14)

There feels like a passing-of-the-torch element to Hawkeye as it sees Clint wanting to move further away from his heroics and focus more on his family. The show also introduces Kate Bishop as a great new MCU character who seems likely to take up his mantle.

However, in a frank moment, Clint seems to try and dissuade Kate from going down the same path as he did. He talks about the toll being a hero takes on someone's life and speaks to a pain in the character that hasn't fully been explored.

Pep Talk For Wanda

"...But If You Step Out That Door, You Are An Avenger." (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (15)

Though he is not the most valuable member of the Avengers, Hawkeye might be the one with the most heart. It takes a lot to face the kinds of things they do without superpowers or super suits. Yet he never hesitates to run into danger with the rest of them.

This courage shows clearly in Avengers: Age of Ultron when he is giving Wanda a pep talk as they fight Ultron's forces. While she is scared and unable to keep fighting, he lets her know that hiding is alright but if she makes the choice to keep fighting, she's part of the team.

Heading Into Space

"We've Come A Long Way Since Budapest." (Avengers: Endgame)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (16)

Avengers: Endgame is the culmination of the entire MCU up to this point, so it features a lot of callbacks to some of the series' best moments. One nice reference is Hawkeye bringing up the Budapest mission again as he and Natasha fly through space.

RELATED:10 Best Hawkeye Comic Book Issues Of The 1980s

Not only is the moment a fun nod to fans who have been paying attention throughout the MCU, but it's also a great interaction between these two characters. It helps reinforce everything Hawkeye and Black Widow have gone through together and, given where this leads them, it's also a bit heartbreaking.

Recognizing Kate's Skills

"You're Not Wrong… Calling Yourself One Of The World's Greatest Archers." (Hawkeye)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (17)

The relationship between Clint and Kate is one of the highlights of the Hawkeye series. It starts off with him being annoyed he has to babysit this teenager who claims to be one of the world's greatest archers. But his respect for her grows over time.

Following a daring escape from the bad guys, the two share a nice moment. As Clint lost his hearing aid, he is unable to hear Kate as she rambles on, but then he suddenly interrupts her by agreeing that she is one of the best archers which means the world to her.

Remembering Natasha

"I Wish There Was A Way That I Could Let Her Know." (Avengers: Endgame)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (18)

The death of Natasha was a shocking moment in Avengers: Endgame. Once they arrived on Vormir, it's clear one of them would be leaving that planet. They tease fans a few times leading them to think it might be Hawkeye who makes the sacrifice, but in the end, Natasha is the one to save the day.

Once it's all over and Thanos is defeated, Hawkeye is left with the new bittersweet reality. He has his family back, but his closest friend is gone. The moment of wishing he could share the victory with her is a sad and moving place to leavethe audience, and this is a contender for the saddest Clint Barton quote.

Balancing Things Out

"You Survived. Half The Planet Didn't. They Got Thanos. You Get Me." (Avengers: Endgame)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (19)

A lot was made about the fact that Hawkeye was not included in Avengers: Infinity War. His absence was explained by the fact that, like Ant-Man, he was under house arrest following the events of Captain America: Civil War. As it turns out, not including him in that film was well worth it for his reveal in Avengers: Endgame.

After the powerful opening scene where he loses his family, Hawkeye becomes Ronin, a deadly vigilante. He is introduced in a dark scene where he mercilessly takes out a group of Yakuza. His reasoning for his brutal methods is both understandable and horrifying.

Stating The Obvious

"The City Is Flying, We’re Fighting An Army Of Robots, And I Have A Bow And Arrow. None Of This Makes Sense." (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (20)

While Avengers: Age of Ultron grows the character ofClint Barton by exploring more about his life and his role on the team, it also has a lot of fun pointing out some of the more bizarre elements of the character, as illustrated by this iconic Hawkeye quote.

As Ultron and his army attack Sokovia, Hawkeye himself is the one toacknowledge the absurdity of the situation. It's a moment that makes the character a lot more relatable— although it's unclear why he still refuses to upgrade his weaponry going forward.

NEXT:One Quote From Each Main Hawkeye Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Hawkeye’s 20 Best MCU Quotes (2024)


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