Barometric Pressure Affects on Fishing (2024)

Fishing has always been an important human activity as a way to provide food for the family and, in more recent times, for recreation. Nowadays, as well as in ancient times, fishermen have remained persistent in this activity. It is funny how a picture of a big fish will elicit more Facebook and Instagram views and likes than most other types of posts… even amongst non-anglers. There is something very primal in catching fish.

Sometimes a pure necessity for those living near a river, a lake or an ocean and sometimes a lucrative sport,fishing has always been in close connection with weather conditions.The question: how weather conditions, and more specifically – how barometric pressure affects fishing, has become a cornerstone of a sort of science, or more precisely – a field of interest with many variables.

Almost no one is ignorant of the fact thatweather conditions affect the movements and behavior of fish.What’s more – novice fishermen and pros consider this the most important factor when fishing for bass and other kinds of fish.

Heavy storms, changes of temperature and the runoff from heavy rain all have their role in changing fish movement patterns. However,the barometric pressure has the key role in finding out where the fish are.

How exactly does barometric pressure affect fishing?

Research and fishermen’s experience show thatrising pressure sends fish moving around cover and in lower depths, before the pressure tops out and fish become lethargic. It also reveals thatfalling pressure sends fish on the hunt for food in shallower water.

To understand fish behavior in different weather conditions, under various changes of barometric pressure, let’s first come to the bottom of what barometric pressure is and what humanity has discovered about it through centuries of developing various spheres related to it and sciences dealing with it as an important factor.

Understanding Barometric Pressure

No study would be complete without seeing the development of a concept, phenomenon or a notion through time, so in this chapter we will take a look at the history of barometric pressure and see how it is connected with fishing today.

History And Definition

Although Evangelista Torricelli, an Italian physicist is credited with inventing the barometer and shedding light on the concept of barometric (atmospheric) pressure, a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon occurredafter the discovery of gravity, by Sir Isaac Newton in 1665. Why was Newton’s discovery so important for barometric pressure?

Newton used his mathematical description of gravity to derive Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, account for tides, and many other phenomena, which would prove to be significant for understanding barometric pressure later on.

Since air has been defined asa tangible material substance, the conclusion was that it has mass.Any object with mass is influenced by the universal force known as gravity. Gravity shapes and influences all atmospheric processes. It causes the density and pressure of air to decrease exponentially as one moves away from the surface of the Earth.

Since the force of gravity gets stronger the closer you are to an object that has mass, atmospheric (or barometric) pressure gets lower the higher you move from the Earth’s surface.The unit of barometric pressure is atm and is roughly equivalent to the average sea-level barometric pressure on Earth; that is, the Earth’s atmospheric pressure at sea level is approximately 1 atm.

But, how do we measure barometric pressure at specific places, altitudes on Earth?

Measuring Barometric Pressure

Atmospheric pressure is commonly measured with a barometer. In a barometer,a column of mercury in a glass tube rises or falls as the weight of the atmosphere changes.Since the weight of any object is directly connected to the gravitational force, and this one is the most potent near the surface of the Earth,the atmosphere ‘’weighs’’ most at low points and drops the higher we climb through the atmosphere.

Barometric Pressure Affects on Fishing (1)

Since rapid drops in barometric pressure influence the chance of catching fish in a highly beneficial manner, we will dedicate a chapter to comparing high to low air pressure as a precondition for good bite, after we have understood well what we consider normal barometric pressure.

What Is Normal Barometric Pressure?

A barometric reading in the range of29.80 and 30.20 inHg can be considered normal,and normal pressure is associated with steady weather.

When the barometric pressure is normal, there is no need for us to adapt to it. The reason we can’t feel it is that the air within our bodies (in our lungs and stomachs, for example) is exerting the same pressure outwards, sothere’s no pressure difference and no need for us to exert any effort.

Barometric pressure range

Normal barometric pressure, or colloquially put –comfortable air pressure moves between29 inches and 31 inches.People are most comfortable with barometric pressure of 30 inches of mercury (inHg). When it rises to 30.3 inHg or higher, or drops to 29.7 or lower, the risk of heart attack increases.

A barometric readingover 30.20 inHg is generally considered high, and high pressure is associated with clear skies and calm weather.

A barometric readingbelow 29.80 inHg is generally considered low, and low pressure is associated with warm air and rainstorms.

Let’s start the exploration of what the best fishing conditions are by finding out what medium, most ‘’neutral’’ air pressure is.

Medium air pressure

Medium air pressure is ideal for beginners, those who yet don’t possess supreme fishing techniques and knowledge about fish movements provoked by changing weather patterns.

This is where a fishing app, such asBassForecast appcan help a great deal.

In medium air pressure,fish will bite in a medium to slow manner and you can expect normal fishing conditions.

As we’ve said, beginners might prosper a great deal from using a fishing forecast app, and so can the pros, since learning about fish movements is a never-ending process.

The big question and the real discussion starts with comparing low to high pressure regarding fish movements, visibility conditions and other factors which affect fishing, so the next chapter will deal with comparing low pressure with high pressure fishing odds, giving the ‘’how’’ and the ‘’why’’.

Is High Pressure or Low Pressure Better for Fishing?

We have all heard about barometric pressure in weather forecasts, yet normally don’t pay attention to it. However,it influences our physical states tremendously.Fish don’t watch the forecasts, yet their behavior could easily be used as a completely precise indicator of changes in barometric pressure.

So, let’s finally see how barometric pressure affects fishing conditions.

Fishing in high pressure

How fish, and specifically bass fish behave in relation to high and low air pressure has to do with accompanying weather-related fluctuations in water temperature, light penetration, and other factors caused by differences in air pressure.

Barometric Pressure Affects on Fishing (2)

If the pressure is rising rapidly, It is usually accompanied by bluebird skies and calm winds, which makes the fish spooky and sluggish to bite.It might take 24 to 48 hours for fish to return to their normal behavior after a period of rapidly rising pressure.

Although high pressure makes for tough fishing, there are changes you should make to improve your fishing success. You might want to consider fishing in “stealth mode” to not spook the fish; from the bank, or in a kayak or a small boat since the water will be calm.

If we wanted to pick the ideal barometric pressure for luring the most bass, what would it be?

If the pressure is rapidly falling, it is usually associated with prefrontal conditions; overcast, windy and the tail end of a warm front; all of which usually makes for better than average (and sometimes EPIC) bass fishing.

If the barometer is stable over a long period of time (several days in a row), the fishing is usually better than average as the food chain establishes a regular rhythm.

Barometric Pressure Affects on Fishing (3)

Of course, your fishing techniques and aptitude will play a huge role, whether you are fishing in falling, rising or stable barometric pressure conditions.

Since barometric pressure forecasting is complex and prone to change, you might want to turn to something accurate, by which you will be able to predict fishing conditions. So, let’s see how barometric pressure forecasts can help.

How Can Barometric Pressure Forecasts Help You Catch More Fish?

Knowing what you know now, about barometric pressure and its effects on bass behavior, you are equipped to interpret a barometric pressure forecast correctly and productively – so you can catch more bass fish.

Barometric Pressure Affects on Fishing (4)

You are probably thinking now that this is too much information which you have to keep in mind and interpret in order to be a successful angler. Don’t worry, the next chapter has good news for you.

Is there an app for barometric pressure?

Yes! Although there is no one golden rule and there are many variables in fishing, as you might have noticed by now, usingBassForecast fishing forecast appincreases your odds of catching more and bigger bass, by 68% to 305% percent. How does it work?

BassForecast Fishing Forecast App

The ultimate bass patterning tooltracks real time weather and applies bass industry research & proven seasonal patterns to surface adapted forecast conditions (including Barometric Pressure), ratings, and tips.This app provides you with a 10 day forecast, so you never miss a great day for fishing.

BassForecastinforms you about seasonal patterns in play for your selected location and provides advice and data on the most effective baits, key lake locations and optimal presentation based on seasonal feeding patterns for your selected location.

How best to fish each type of bait,including optimal rod type, reel, and line are just some of the many attractions of the appthat help you maximize your time on the water, improve your odds of catching bass and make you a better bass angler..

Know – Adapt – Catch® more with BassForecast.

Learn More How BassForecast Works

With my extensive knowledge in fishing, particularly concerning the impact of weather conditions, barometric pressure, and their influence on fish behavior, I can certainly dive into the concepts highlighted in the article.

Barometric Pressure and Fishing:

Understanding the relationship between barometric pressure and fishing is pivotal. Barometric pressure, or atmospheric pressure, is the force exerted by the weight of air in the atmosphere. This pressure varies with weather conditions and affects fish behavior significantly. Changes in pressure influence fish movements, feeding patterns, and their depth.

Historical Context:

The concept of barometric pressure traces back to Evangelista Torricelli, credited with inventing the barometer. However, its comprehensive understanding emerged after Isaac Newton's revelation on gravity in 1665. Newton's discovery of gravity was crucial, linking it to atmospheric pressure and how it affects the density and pressure of air.

Measuring Barometric Pressure:

Barometric pressure is commonly measured using a barometer, where a column of mercury in a glass tube rises or falls as atmospheric weight changes. As we ascend from the Earth's surface, atmospheric pressure decreases due to the diminishing gravitational force.

Normal and Varied Barometric Pressure:

Normal barometric pressure, typically ranging between 29.80 and 30.20 inches of mercury (inHg), signifies steady weather conditions. The comfort range for most individuals is around 30 inHg. Deviations from this range, either higher or lower, impact weather patterns and can affect health.

Fishing and Barometric Pressure:

Medium air pressure is favorable for novice anglers, offering relatively stable fishing conditions. High pressure, associated with clear skies and calm weather, tends to make fish sluggish and harder to catch. Conversely, falling pressure, often preceding storms or warm fronts, can enhance fishing activity, making fish more active and easier to lure.

Barometric Pressure Forecasts and Fishing Apps:

Understanding how barometric pressure affects fish behavior is crucial for anglers. Utilizing fishing forecast apps like BassForecast helps interpret real-time weather data and apply industry research to predict fishing conditions accurately. These apps offer insights into seasonal patterns, optimal bait choices, and fishing techniques tailored to specific locations, significantly improving anglers' success rates.


From historical origins to practical applications in fishing, barometric pressure stands as a key factor influencing fish behavior. Leveraging this knowledge through technology like fishing forecast apps empowers anglers to adapt their strategies and optimize their chances of a successful catch.

This comprehensive understanding of the interplay between weather, barometric pressure, and fishing techniques is fundamental for any angler seeking to enhance their skills and success on the water.

Barometric Pressure Affects on Fishing (2024)


Barometric Pressure Affects on Fishing? ›

Generally speaking – except for a rapidly falling barometer – when a barometer is on the move, fishing slows as fish are acclimating to the new pressure level. Then, when the barometric pressure stabilizes, there's a period of two or three days when the fishing will typically heat up.

Is fishing better with high or low barometric pressure? ›

Medium Pressure (29.70 – 30.40/Fair Weather) - Normal Fishing using different gear or baits to meet the needs of the fish. Low Pressure (29.60 and under/Cloudy/Rainy Weather) - Fishing Slows. Go at them slow in deeper water or near cover. Rising Pressure/Improving Weather – The fish are slightly active.

Does barometric pressure have an effect on fish? ›

During a low pressure (when the barometer is around 1014hPa or less), there is less pressure on the air bladder causing it to expand and therefore putting pressure on the stomach of the fish. This causes the fish to become uncomfortable and usually results in slow fishing conditions.

Is 29.94 barometric pressure good for fishing? ›

However, in general, a barometric pressure range of 29.5 to 30.5 millibars is considered optimal for bass fishing. This range is associated with stable and predictable weather conditions, which can result in increased feeding and activity among bass.

Do bass bite better in high or low pressure? ›

The best bite will usually come with a falling or low and steady barometer. That's normally when a front is approaching. The fish seem to be the most active.

Do fish bite during low pressure? ›

Rapidly Falling Barometer

Probably the best barometric indicator of good fishing is rapidly falling air pressure that signals a powerful low-pressure front is coming. Many believe the feeding frenzy that ensues is a response by fish to gorge before the front arrives and shuts down feeding.

Do fish bite when the barometric pressure is rising? ›

The bite tends to remain slow when barometric pressure starts to rise right after a low-pressure system. When fishing during these times, finesse fishing with smaller, naturally colored lures, light line and a subtle presentation is a good technique.

At what barometric pressure do fish bite the most? ›

According to the time tested "fisherman's barometer" anything below 29.8 is designated as the low-pressure zone, meaning poor fishing. Above 29.8 is the high-pressure zone, meaning average fishing. The zone between 29.8 and 30.2 is shown as the area for best fishing.

Is 29.95 barometric pressure high? ›

The standard average pressure across all units of measurement is 1013 hPa or 29.92 inHg. Anything below these numbers is considered low pressure, whereas anything above is high pressure.

What is the best barometric pressure for walleye fishing? ›

Use slower techniques since these fish will be very slow and hesitant to eat. Anything between 29-30 inHg is considered ideal for fishing and will likely warrant the most active bites. Low pressure scenarios (anything less than 29 inHg) will also warrant the same slow and lethargic behavior.

Is 30.02 barometric pressure good for fishing? ›

The Best and Worst Conditions: Bass bite fairly well when the barometer is from, say, 29.98 to 30.02. However, from mid-spring to early autumn you may have your best catches, when barometric pressure has dropped from the 29.98 to 30.02 range, and dropped dramatically in a relatively short time.

Is 29.90 barometric pressure high? ›

Know what represents reasonable barometer readings

Normal is 29.9; range ~29.6 - 30.2 inches Hg (752-767 mm Hg)… at SEA LEVEL! Rarely (at sea level) do readings exceed 30.4 inches Hg (773 mm Hg)… except for occasional arctic highs in January. Rarely (at sea level) do readings fall below 29.5 inches Hg (749 mm Hg)…

Is it good or bad to fish before a storm? ›

The best time to fish is before the storm hits. The fish can sense the change in barometric pressure, and they do their best to take in as much food as possible. The reason for this is that during a rainstorm, most fish hunker down and weather out the storm.

When should you not go fishing? ›

One important tip is to avoid fishing in extreme temperatures that are too cold or too hot. The best times to fish are always early in the morning from 6:00 am am to 9:00 am, late morning to afternoon from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm or afternoon to dusk from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

What bait do bass love the most? ›

Jigs, Crankbaits, Plastic Worms, Spinnerbaits, and swimbaits are excellent bass lures that will work in many conditions throughout the year when cast near the bass cover and presented properly.

What time of day do bass bite best? ›

They are most active during the times when their prey is also active. This means that the best times to fish for bass are typically in the early morning and late evening when the sun is low and the water is cool.

Do fish bite better in high or low tide? ›

Typically, the best times to fish are when the tide is “running” — that is, when it's on the move from high to low or vice versa. Once the water approaches the extremes of high or low tide, it slows down and stops moving, becoming what's known as “slack,” and the fish are less likely to bite.

What is the best barometric pressure for crappie fishing? ›

A good rule is to go fishing when the barometer reads less than 30 Hg and is dropping.


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